New Ford Academy - Organisations
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New Ford Academy is a special place where everyone is made to feel safe and valued. We want every child to develop a love of learning and to be the best that they can be. Our values are: Ambition, Respect, Empathy, Resilience, Self-Belief, Independence and Honesty |
Contact name | Miss E. Ford |
Contact position | Head Teacher |
Contact telephone | 01782 234605 |
Contact email | |
Venue name | New Ford Academy |
Brownley Road | |
Smallthorne | |
Stoke-on-Trent | |
Staffordshire | |
ST6 1PY | |
Website | |
School's extended local offer response |
What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?New Ford Academy accommodates all Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), to comply with the Equality Act of 2010. Provision is available for all 4 areas of need, which are outlined in the 2015 SEND Code of Practice, and are as follows:
New Ford Primary Academy strives to promote an inclusive culture, where staff and pupils alike are encouraged to celebrate diversity. How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?At New Ford Academy, a wide number of systems are in place to identify the special educational needs of pupils and include the following:
Our Family Welfare Coordinator is always available to pass on information and/or sign- post parents to the most appropriate person to help. How will the setting support my child/young person?At New Ford Academy your child will be supported by a wide range of ways according to their needs. Quality First Teaching. This is an OFSTED requirement, which means that initially adjustments to teaching methods and resources are provided within the classroom to address your child’s learning needs. Assessment for learning informs us about your child's targets and where they will move to, on their own personal learning journey. The teaching will be differentiated to meet their needs, whilst at the same time expectations will ensure that there is challenge, so that your child will make progress. Additional Support. If a concern is raised about your child then the SEND team will meet with the class teacher to discuss this. Additional classroom strategies will be put in to place to support your child initially. If these do not meet your child’s learning needs then your child will be assessed using standardised tests which may identify a specific learning need, following this the SEND team will discuss the findings with yourselves, the teacher and child. Any prior support will be checked, observations of your child will take place and your child will then be put on the school SEND register or receive class support. After this, support in the form of an individual or small group programme may be delivered by our own specialised practitioners. SEND services may be consulted to advise the school on when to involve specialist provision from within the Local Authority. This involves the SEND team attending Code of Practice meetings to discuss concerns, with parental permission, and acting on their advice. How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?High expectations for all pupils are a feature throughout New Ford Academy, where our pupils are encouraged to challenge themselves from Nursery to Year 6. This is supported by an inclusive, creative, pupil- led curriculum to equip our pupils with the life skills they will need for the future. The SEND Code of Practice 2015 underpins our aims to provide an inclusive curriculum. Teaching approaches are employed to address individual needs and tasks are differentiated according to levels of ability. Pupil Voice is an integral part of the learning at New Ford and pupils are regularly asked for their views on curriculum content. A School Council meets every week with the designated teacher, children with SEND are encouraged to be involved in our school council. Pupils whose SEND have been identified will have access to the same curriculum areas as their peers, but tasks, equipment and support will be differentiated to meet their learning needs. Specialist support and advice from outside agencies is regularly drawn upon to support specific needs. How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?At New Ford Academy we offer a variety of opportunities where parents can be involved with their child's Learning Journey. New Ford Academy values parental involvement and consultation in the learning of all pupils. Information can be shared as follows:
School Support Plan or Passport- If it has been decided that your child requires specific targeted support, a plan will be written to support their learning within the classroom and/or their well-being during the school day. Plans/One page Profiles are reviewed 3 times a year. Parents and pupils will be involved in the planning and reviewing processes and your views about your child’s learning and/or progress will be welcomed, along with your child’s views. Pupil progress meetings will highlight any school concerns and parents will be informed if interventions/curriculum adaptations are to be put in place. These interventions/curriculum adaptations will be monitored and evaluated for effectiveness. If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan, an Annual Review will take place including the key adults who are involved with your child’s education. What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?At New Ford Academy we believe that all staff and pupils have the right to feel safe and enjoy positive experiences of school life through good relationships with each other. The ethos at New Ford Academy is upheld by the following seven values:
We strongly believe that all pupils should experience positive experiences of school life. If your child is feeling unhappy they can speak to the Family Welfare Coordinator or our Family Support Assistant who will support them in managing their feelings. A consistent behaviour policy operates throughout the school. However reasonable adjustments are made for pupils according to their social/ emotional needs. A school council meets regularly to share the opinions of the pupils with senior staff, including the school governors. Good attendance is rewarded weekly throughout the school year. Pupils who are experiencing social/emotional problems are referred to our Family Welfare Coordinator or Family Support Assistant who will offer support for as long as is needed. Pupils refer themselves or are referred by a practitioner.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?Our Academy has access to a school nurse hub service. A counsellor from Young Minds works with individual pupils every Friday. The following support is available where needs cannot be met by Quality First Teaching and Intervention groups: Specialist practitioners from outside agencies, such as Speech Therapists and Occupational Health, also practitioners from the Local Authority, for instance, Visual or Auditory Impairment Teams, as well as the Language and Communication Team and SEND services. Pupils who are experiencing significant, emotional barriers to learning may be referred to CAMHs. Whole staff training has been delivered in Attachment Difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Dyslexia and the school have received training on the Nuffield Early Language Programme, as well as Time to Talk and an Early Talk Boost and Key Stage 1 and 2 Talk Boost Programme.
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?
How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?At New Ford Academy we ensure that all SEND pupils experience equal opportunities and have the same access to educational visits as the rest of their peers- including residential visits. Meetings take place between class teachers, parents and SEND staff to plan the necessary support and appropriate personnel, to enable pupils to enjoy experiences outside school which will enhance their learning whilst at the same time ensuring their safety and emotional well-being. Pupils in Year 6 enjoy a week’s residential stay at an outdoor learning centre. Adjustments and support arrangements are made to meet the individual needs of the pupils. Before a trip can take place, a thorough risk assessment takes place including ensuring the appropriate number of adults to children ratio is adhered to. Parents/carers will be asked to accompany their child if we feel that they would be more emotionally secure and therefore enhance their well-being. How accessible is the environment?At New Ford Academy, we understand that our SEND pupils will access the curriculum through differentiation of success criteria, learning outcomes and other reasonable adjustments. Classrooms are equipped with a variety of learning resources to match the age and ability of pupils. The majority of pupils’ learning takes place in the classroom. However, at times, it may be necessary to deliver small programmes in a more purposeful area, which we are fortunate to have equipped for this purpose. Continuous dialogue between the School Business & Operations Manager and the SEND department takes place to ensure that resources are constantly updated and relevant to individual needs. Disabled toilet facilities are available for pupils, staff and visitors. The school has disabled parking by the main entrance and is fully accessible by wheelchair. To aid visually impaired individuals, every room has clear signage at the side of the door frame and there is adequate colour differentiation between ceilings and walls. The School Website is accessible to the wider community and text messages are sent from the office to parents when there is a need for a sudden communication. The school also operates a School App which all parents are encouraged to download and use. This is another valuable way of communicating quickly with parents. A weekly newsletter is produced every Friday and uploaded on to the school website and the School App. Parents who have difficulty understanding written communications are invited to ask the Family Welfare Coordinator for assistance. How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?Joining our nursery class. We have close links with the local day nurseries and child minders and prioritise over the Summer term to liaise and engage in positive transition. During this time your child will be invited in to the nursery for stay and play sessions as well as the staff having opportunities to discuss with the previous setting with regards to needs or support. At the beginning of the Autumn term your child will receive a Home visit from their key worker, this is an informal visit in a relaxed and familiar environment. Moving to another class. When a pupil has learning difficulties, every effort is made to make an early decision about their new class, so that there is time to prepare her/him for the new class teacher. At the end of the school academic year we have a transition day where all children spend the afternoon with their new class teacher. During the second half of the Summer Term, pupils will make regular informal visits to their new class teacher. Additional appointments can be arranged if parents wish to meet the member of staff. Information about the learning needs of your child will be passed on via the previous teacher and the SEND Team, who will advise the receiving teacher about the necessary support to be put in place. Leaving to go to Secondary School At the beginning of the Summer Term we will contact SEND practitioners from the receiving High Schools to plan transition programmes for pupils who need them. Early visits can be arranged for parents and pupils to look around their preferred High School whilst sessions are in progress. You will have the opportunity to inform the staff about any concerns or reservations you may have about your child’s needs and/or well-being. Staff at New Ford Academy will transfer any important information regarding your child’s learning and/or social/emotional needs to the receiving school, so that necessary support can be put in place. Pupils who are feeling insecure about transferring to High School work in small discussion groups where transition programmes are delivered by supporting practitioners. For pupils who are in Year 6 with an Education, Health and Care Plan, a transition review will take place in the Autumn term during the Annual Review Meeting. An SEND practitioner from the receiving High School will be asked to attend the meeting, so that preparations can be made for a smooth transfer programme when the pupil moves to High School. Pupils who need extra support transferring to High School will follow the Black Sheep Press Transition Programme, which is supported by SEND Practitioners. Throughout Key Stage 1 and 2 (Yr1 – Yr6), supported curriculum visits are made to the local high schools, when the pupils are taught by the high school staff. We believe that this encourages independence and increases confidence where children are fearful about the High School setting. How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?"At New Ford Academy, all pupils are valued as individuals. Therefore, reasonable adjustments/curriculum adaptations are made to cater for all the needs of the children. The majority of your child’s learning will take place in the classroom. However, if a pupil’s needs require small group intervention programme, there is a Learning Support Room, which is equipped for purpose. Teaching Methods When planning the curriculum, teachers will take into account children’s learning styles, groupings and resources which will be necessary to enable all pupils to access the curriculum. Support Staff An experienced team of support staff are deployed according to their skill areas. During class sessions, some pupils are supported by an adult in small groups, larger guided groups or in a one-to-one situation as the need arises. If pupils are experiencing problems due to social or emotional difficulties, they can access a Learning Mentor, who will help them to understand and cope with their feelings. Our skilled practitioners are competent in delivering interventions/programmes and to support targeted groups throughout Key Stages 1 and 2. Differentiation In the classroom, activities and resources are matched to the child’s ability or learning need. There are opportunities for challenge for all pupils at New Ford Academy. Targeted resources and intervention programmes Standardised testing determines an accurate area of need. Standardised testing in Reading, Spelling and Language is conducted by the SEND team. The outcomes of the tests will enable us to analyse the learning need and match the resources accordingly. Specialist advice about intervention programmes from SEND Services is available when required. Deployment of Staff. Intervention programmes may take the form of small group language activities, i.e.-social and emotional programmes or individual teaching to support reading or spelling. Resources adjustments All pupils are valued as individuals at New Ford Academy.
Learning Support Room · Although the majority of pupils’ learning takes part in the classroom, it may on occasions be necessary to deliver small group programmes in an additional area. We are fortunate to have a room available equipped for this purpose. Financial Resources The SEND budget is set each financial year. Additional support and resources are provided using this allocation to meet each individual’s needs. Teaching staff and the SEND department liaise with the School Business & Operations Manager when additional requirements are identified and resources are provided. Pupil Premium The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between them and their peers. Schools receive the following funding for each child registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years: · £1,385 for primary-aged pupils · £985 for secondary-aged pupils Schools also receive £2410 for each looked after pupil who: · Has been looked after for 1 day or more · Was adopted from care on or after 30 December 2005, or left care under a special guardianship order or residence order. · In addition, schools receive £320 for pupils having parents in the Services. "How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?"Close monitoring of your child’s progress and learning needs will take place over a 6-week period of time. Pupil progress meetings take place every term and for children where progress is a cause for concern, there will follow one or more of the following actions:
A programme of support will be put in place with outcomes we want your child to achieve over the next 6 months. We will record the above information on a One Page Profile or School Support Plan. Education, Health and Care Plan If after following the above actions your child’s progress is still a cause for concern, the SEND team will attend a Code of Practice meeting to gain advice and the Educational Psychologist will need to be consulted. This may result in a request for Statutory Assessment, when the Local Authority will decide whether or not your child meets the criteria for additional support in the form of an Educational Health and Care Plan. "How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?"At New Ford Academy, the Pupil Voice is an important element of school culture. A School Council, (which includes pupils with SEND) meets once every half-term with the designated teacher. Pupils who have a school support plan are consulted about their targets and are involved in the reviews. During class sessions pupils are regularly asked to show the level of their understanding and as a result, are grouped accordingly. At the conclusion of each themed curriculum unit, the children are asked for their views and levels of enjoyment. Pupil consultation is an important part of the school improvement process. "How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?"If it is necessary for your child to be supported by an Education, Health and Care Plan, you will be asked to state your own hopes and aspirations for your child. This should be reflected in the outcomes on the plan. Parents of Pupils, who are supported by a School Support Plan/One Page Profile, will be invited into school when the plan is reviewed. This happens once each term. Termly consultation evenings are held for parents to discuss their child’s progress and wellbeing with the class teacher. Individual parents are able to discuss their child with the Head Teacher, Class teacher, Family Welfare Coordinator or SEND team at any time. "How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?"At New Ford Academy we value the involvement of parents/carers and foster positive relationships through an ‘Open Door’ attitude towards adults who have responsibility for our pupils. Parents/carers may become involved with school in the following ways:
Who can I contact for further information? Your child’s class teacher will be happy to discuss your concerns. Appointments can be arranged by telephoning school. The SENCo and Learning Support Manager are available to discuss your child’s progress and/or wellbeing. Mrs O’Grady SENCo Mrs Blakemore Learning Support Manager. Our Family Welfare Coordinator is accessible daily to support parents/carers and pupils and she will signpost you to relevant support agencies. The Stoke-on-Trent Parent SENDIASS aims to ensure that parents/carers of children with SEND have access to accurate information, advice and guidance. The Head Teacher. The Senior Leadership Team. The Governing Body. Where can I find the local authority’s Local Offer? The Children and Families Act (2014) has introduced a new approach towards the way in which parents/carers and children are supported. Find more information about this at – "What do I do if I want to make a complaint?"Our Head Teacher Miss S. Ashley is always happy to listen to parents who have concerns. New Ford Academy has a complaints policy and procedure, which can be obtained from the school office. "What other support Is available to parents and how can I contact them?"The Stoke-on-Trent Local Offer website includes a directory of supporting agencies, including: SENDIASS, Safeguarding Board and other independent agencies for parent support. 01782 232538 SEND Information, Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS) Tel: (01782) 234701 or 234847 E-mail: Web: Stoke-on-Trent Safeguarding Children Board Tel: (01782) 235863 E-mail: Web: Special Educational Needs Assessment and Monitoring Service (SENMAS) Tel: (01782) 231863 email: " |