Latest news
Things to do in the school holiday.
Get ready for February half term!
Families newsletter
Our spring newsletter is now available.
Post-16 transport
Applications opening soon for September post-16 SEND transport.
New Down's syndrome forum
Can you share your experiences to help change services?
Search for organisations in local offer directory
This community directory is an online tool to help you find out about activities, clubs, support, health services, and what’s on in your local area.
Quick links
- SEND jargon buster
- Section 41 - Department for Education approved list of providers
- Free school meals and vouchers for the holidays
- SEND provision planning
- Local policies, guidance and legislation
- Local/national consultations and questionnaires
- Holiday activities
- BSL videos
- Videos for children and young people
- SEN identified diagnosis videos and resources
- Summary of needs and disabilities
- The Stoke-on-Trent graduated approach