Park Hall Academy - Organisations

OFSTED rating

Park Hall Primary Academy is a mainstream school for children aged 3-11years. There are approximately 480 pupils attending the school.

Contact name Mrs V Bunn
Contact position Senco
Contact telephone 01782 312384
Contact email
Venue name Park Hall Academy
Venue address Carberry Way
Weston Coyney
Stoke on Trent
School's extended local offer response


  1. What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?

Park Hall Academy accommodates all SEND in line with the Equality Act 2010 and provision is available for all 4 areas of need outlined in the 2014 SEND Code of Practice. These four areas of need include:

Communication and Interaction
• Children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) have difficulty in communicating with others.
• Children with ASD, including Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism, are likely to have particular difficulties with social interaction.

 Cognition and learning
Learning difficulties cover a wide range of needs, including:

• Moderate learning difficulties (MLD),
• Severe learning difficulties (SLD), where children are likely to need support in all areas of the curriculum and associated difficulties with mobility and communication
• Profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD), where children are likely to have severe and complex learning difficulties as well as a physical disability or sensory impairment.
• Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), affect one or more specific aspects of learning. This encompasses a range of conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
• These include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained.
• Other children may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder.

Sensory and/or Physical needs
• Children vision impairment (VI)
• Hearing impairment (HI)
• A multi-sensory impairment (MSI) will require specialist support and/or equipment to access their learning. Children with an MSI have a combination of vision and hearing difficulties.

Some children with a physical disability (PD) require additional ongoing support and equipment to access all the opportunities available to their peers

  1. How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?
  • Class teachers will make regular assessments of progress for all pupils and identify those whose progress:
    • Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
    • Fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
    • Fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
    • Widens the attainment gap
  • This may include progress in areas other than attainment, for example, social needs. Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean a pupil is recorded as having SEN.  When deciding whether special educational provision is required, we will start with the desired outcomes, including the expected progress and attainment, and the views and the wishes of the pupil and their parents. We will use this to determine the support that is needed and whether something different or additional is needed.
  • Before your child enters our Early Years Foundation Stage, our staff carry out home visits. This involves discussing whether your child has already received any support for their needs. We also have discussions with previous settings to enable us to best support your child. If your child has a special need we will:
  • Use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review Graduated Approach to supporting their needs

-Assess: A need is identified, assessments may take place

-Plan: Targeted support or intervention is planned by Class Teachers & SENCO

-Do: Deliver the support/intervention

-Review: Impact of support is measured and evaluated.

  • Talk to you about your child’s difficulties so we can understand their needs
  • Carry out assessments of your child’s learning so we know which skills they need to learn next
  • Ask the Senco to advise teachers where necessary
  • Support your child through interventions to support them in an area of their learning
  • Monitor their progress and discuss with parents on a termly basis
  • Seek advice from other services as appropriate
  • All children are assessed at the start of the Nursery year (Lower Foundation Stage) as part of the baseline assessment for the Early Years using the Development Matters Tool. We use this information as starting points for learning and to develop a personalised learning journey which provides appropriate support and challenge for every child. As part of the induction process, parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the class teacher.
  • There is rigorous tracking of pupil progress in all year groups which is analysed by teaching staff and the Senior Leadership team at termly pupil progress meetings. We expect that all pupils achieve at least the expected level of progress and we set ambitious targets to ensure that all learners are challenged to achieve their potential.
  • In deciding whether to make special educational provision for a pupil, the teacher will carry out an Initial Consultation and provision is put in place as part of Quality First Teaching. This information gathering includes a discussion with the pupil and their parents. This is reviewed and pupils that are not making expected progress will be discussed with the Senco and parents will be informed of the next steps by the Class Teacher. This determines the support that is needed and whether additional or different support is needed for the pupil, which is then discussed by the teacher with parents. Appropriate intervention and provision is then planned to meet each child’s needs in the form of targets set on a Pupil Passport.
  • School holds termly Teacher- Parent- Pupil Consultation meetings where progress, attainment and targets are discussed. A child who has been identified as having a Special Educational Need, will also have their Pupil Passport targets discussed and reviewed with parents in collaboration with the Class Teacher.
  • If parents have any concerns about their child, they should speak to the Class Teacher in the first instance. If parents have concerns prior to their child joining the school, either going into the Foundation Stage or at any point, parents should ensure that the school are aware of their concerns as soon as possible so that relevant support can be put into place ready for their child’s arrival. This will help to ensure a smooth transition into school and that the appropriate support is in place.
  1. How will the setting support my child/young person?  

Those pupils who need extra help may be provided with small guided group adult support in class and may receive access to additional visual or concrete resources to ensure that they can access activities.

  • Children with SEN who require further support will be provided with targeted intervention support as part of their SEN Pupil Passport, which includes specific small group or 1:1 interventions and strategies to address their specific area of need.
  • All pupils with special educational needs have Personalised Learning Journey Files stored on IPads from Nursery to year 6, with personalised intervention tasks, which address their Pupil Passport targets.
  • Where a child has a disability, reasonable adjustments will be put into place to support a child.
  • If a child has medical needs then a Care Plan will be written by the Class Teacher in conjunction with the parent and medical professionals and shared with relevant staff in school.
  • Data tracking of progress and analysing individual pupil data by the Class Teacher and Senior Leadership Team, highlights children who are not making expected progress.  Additional support for individual pupils or groups is identified on Raising Attainment Plans to support them with their learning and this is reviewed termly.
  • Children’s individual needs are assessed and support and resources are allocated based on need. This may include additional group support in class, small group or 1:1 intervention support, specific strategies within the environment, specialised equipment to allow access to the curriculum or social, emotional, mental health support provided from the Extended Home School Link Worker, Miss K Hoddy.
  • School staff will work in partnership with parents if we think we need to consider asking the Local Authority  to carry out a coordinated assessment of your child’s needs because more advice/resources are needed to help your child to make progress. This assessment may result in an Education, Health, and Care Plan for the child, if the Local Authority feels that is necessary.

Strategies/Interventions to support with Speech, Language and communication

  • Nuffield Early Language Intervention ( NELI)
  • Language Steps
  • Asking Good/Specific Questions
  • Talking Partners
  • Time to Talk
  • Talk Boost
  • Individual visual timetables
  • Topic/word mats
  • Individual programmes provided by Speech and Language Therapists, which are delivered in school by Teaching Assistants.
  • Instructions repeated and broken down into small steps
  • Visual prompts given for tasks
  • Advice from outside agencies

Strategies/Interventions to support/develop Cognition & Learning

  • Differentiated Curriculum
  • Pre-teaching of vocabulary, strategies and concepts.
  • Precision teaching of high frequency words daily.
  • Daily spelling practice of high frequency words.
  • Hornet Literacy
  • Beat Dyslexia
  • Better Reading Programme
  • Switch On Literacy
  • Phonics interventions/boosters
  • Reading Inference Training
  • Targeted Numeracy basic skills sessions e.g. Plus One Maths, Power of 2
  • Use of maths toolkits,  numicon and concrete resources
  • Awareness of learning styles - Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approach
  • Advice from outside agencies

Strategies/interventions to support social, emotional and mental health difficulties

  • Daily Meet & Greet
  • Time out/Calm space
  • Incredible 5 Anger/Anxiety Tool
  •  Social & Emotional programme
  • Coping strategies
  • Lego Therapy
  • Playground buddies
  • Parental involvement
  • Individual reward systems
  • Celebration Assembly to raise self-esteem
  • Individual success file
  • Advice from outside agencies

Strategies/Interventions to support physical needs

  • Pencil grips
  • Specialist scissors
  • Sloping boards
  • Further differentiation of physical activity (fine and gross motor skill activities)
  • Provision of other specialist equipment & resources as directed by OT
  • Advice from outside agencies

Provision to support access to the Curriculum

  • Prompt and reminder card to encourage and promote independence.
  • Visual, concrete practical resources
  • Use of multi-sensory approaches
  • Pre teaching and over learning of strategies, concepts and vocabulary.
  • Visual timetables.
  • Use of ICT – whiteboards and Ipads.
  • Awareness of learning styles - Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approach
  • Small group or 1:1 support
  • Self and peer assessment
  • Advice from outside Professionals
  1. How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?  

Our approach to teaching pupils with SEN

Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class including those with SEN.

  • Quality first teaching is provided to all pupils and is our first step in supporting pupils who have SEN. Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of ALL pupils in their class, including those with SEND,
  • All children are entitled to have access to high quality learning opportunities and appropriate resources to meet their individual needs. Pupils have access to a range of visual concrete apparatus and multi-sensory approaches to learning.  All pupils from year 1 to year 6 have an individual IPAD to enhance their learning, the outdoor environment is used as a teaching resource to engage and support the learning of pupils.
  • Pupils are supported in class with the assistance of the learning environment (learning walls, table prompts, and Maths toolkits), peers, additional staff, technology and mastery teaching. Mastery teaching ensures access to the curriculum for all pupils and is delivered in small steps allowing pupils to ‘keep up, not catch up’. The promotion of a growth mindset supports all pupils in believing that everyone can achieve, creating the opportunity for success.
  • Provision to support access to the Curriculum   may include:
  • Use of working wall/ vocabulary displays
  • Working in  of Kagen groups
  • Working as a guided group with additional adult support
  • Use of stem sentences
  • Use of different structures and representations
  • Mastery seating approach
  • Sharing the WAGOLL ( What A Good One Looks Like)
  • Sharing reading texts and vocabulary multiple times
  • Chunking the lesson into parts
  • Opportunities for talking about their learning
  • Use of scaffolds
  • Flexible seating and groupings
  • Visual, concrete practical resources
  • Use of multi-sensory approaches
  • Pre teaching vocabulary.
  • Visual timetables.
  • Use of Now – Next cards
  • Use of ICT –IPad whiteboard, accessibility tools, voice notes
  • Small group or 1:1 support
  • Guided group work
  • Paired work / peer support
  • Use of  IPads to enable pupils to access personalised intervention tasks linked to their passport targets
  • Where a pupil is working at Well Below in Reading, Writing or Maths they may be provided with differentiated, personalised learning tasks. These pupils are likely to be in receipt of an EHCP.
  1. How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing AND how will you help me to support their learning?

Monitoring and Evaluating SEN provision

Every child is entitled to quality first teaching. The Senior Leadership Team carry out rigorous monitoring and evaluation approach to the teaching and learning across the school.

The Senior Leadership Team will monitor through:

. Formal and Informal lesson observations

. Learning Walks

. Book Looks and Showbie Looks

- Planning Scrutinies

. Pupil Progress Meetings

. Analysis of data

. Pupil Conversations

. Appraisals


To ensure quality and personalised provision the SENCO and Senior Leadership Team will  also monitor through:

. Pupil SEN File monitoring on Showbie

. SEN Provision maps

. Analysis of data

. SEN Intervention monitoring

. SEN termly reviews with class teachers, parents and pupils

. Pupil conversations/ interviews

We will follow the graduated approach and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review. There will be a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs. This will draw on:

  • The teacher’s assessments and experience of the pupil
  • Their previous progress and attainment and behaviour
  • Other teachers’ assessments, where relevant
  • The views and experience of parents
  • The pupil’s own views
  • Advice from  Senco and external support services, if relevant

All teachers and learning support assistants who work with the pupil will be made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches that are required. They will regularly review the effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress termly.

  • All of the children are assessed at three main points through the year (Christmas, Easter, and Summer/end of the school year) but half-termly progress meetings are also carried out with Class Teacher and Assistant Principal. The children not meeting age related expectations are identified and further support is planned for through the RAP plans (Raising Attainment Plans).
  • To ensure SEN pupils are making progress, their progress in Reading, Writing and Maths is tracked termly and formally recorded on Arbor, the school’s data tracking system, on a termly basis where the data is analysed by the Senior Leadership Team in conjunction with the class teacher. Pupils working Well Below age related expectations for Reading, Writing and Maths are monitored by class teachers and progress steps measured using PIVATS. (Performance Indicators for Value Added Target Setting) system.
  • Any personalised targets for pupils with SEN will be recorded on a Pupil Passport, which indicates what strategies, and interventions are needed to support them. These will be shared with parents at termly meetings. As part of this, teachers will ask parents how they will support their child at home. Passports are reviewed with parents and pupils and then the next targets identified.
  • In order to monitor progress the impact of interventions is measured by staff supporting your child at the start and end of the period of the intervention, which may be in the form of an assessment, questionnaire, sample of work etc. Class teachers  determine where improvements are being made or whether an intervention needs adapting and monitor the impact throughout each term. This information is shared with the SENCO through termly provision map meetings and with parents through termly review meetings.
  • Interventions and SEN Provision Maps are monitored by Senior Leadership Team to ensure quality provision.
  • School carries out Standardised Tests for SEN pupils, which provide measures for reading ability, comprehension, spelling, receptive and expressive language.
  • Pupils with an EHC Plan have progress towards their EHC plan milestones noted by staff supporting them throughout each term on their Termly Progress Review Document. In addition, all pupils with an EHC plan have an annual review, where the provision of the EHC Plan milestones are reviewed, amended and new milestones are set, in consultation with the pupil, parents, school staff and other agencies involved. This information is sent to the Local Authority Reviewing Caseworker, where a decision is made on the band and provision to be put in place for the following year.
  • As part of quality first teaching, all pupils, including those with SEN, receive verbal and visual feedback about their learning to ensure that pupil’s understand where they have achieved and to identify misconceptions which can then be addressed. In addition, the voice-recording feature on the IPad enable pupils to receive personal instant, effective feedback and dialogue between teacher and pupil motivates learners to improve further.
  • If at any time parents and/or teachers are concerned about any issue or progress of a pupil, then additional meetings will be arranged at a mutually convenient time at any period throughout the year.
  • School make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children with SEND are able to access all facilities. The school’s Accessibility Policy can be found on the school website.
  • If there is a language spoken that we do not have in school we make use of google Translate and may request a translator through the local authority service to support parents /care during meetings/reviews.
  1. What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?
  • A dedicated team of professionals are committed to encouraging positive relationships and ensuring that your child meets their full potential. These include Teachers and Learning Support Assistants in the classroom, the SENCO and our Extended Home School Link Worker.
  • All pupils are encouraged and given opportunities to talk about their well-being through work in weekly PHSE lessons and assemblies. PHSE is taught through the Kapow Primary Scheme. Each year group features a unit of lessons based on the themes of :
    • Family and Relationships. Including bullying , stereotyping and respecting differences
    • Health and Wellbeing. Exploring physical and mental health.
    • Safety and the changing body. Featuring digital safety, road safety, puberty and first aid.
    • Citizenship. Looking at responsibility, community and democracy.
    • Economic Wellbeing, Exploring money and career aspirations.
  • Pupils with Education Health Care plans, who have Social, Emotional, Mental Health milestones on are delivered and reviewed throughout the term and annually as part of their EHC Plan Annual Review.
  • Pupils may access to social emotional programmes as part of their Pupil Passport intervention support.
  • Attendance is monitored rigorously by the school’s attendance team, which is made up of the Principal, the Attendance Officer and the Extended Home School Link Worker. Parents are informed when their child’s attendance falls below expectations through telephone calls, then by letter and finally parents are invited in to a formal attendance meeting to discuss the concerns and support measures, which can take place. Termly attendance letters are sent home to all parents to inform them of their child’s attendance (pink letters for tickled pink, green letters for green for growth, red letters for serious concerns), as attendance is a key indicator for pupils ongoing success now and in the future.
  • Our Extended Home School Link Worker provides support for our vulnerable families from the onset and seeks to work in partnership with families. We welcome parents who have any concerns linked to their child’s well-being, to come into school to discuss support opportunities. If a child appears to be upset, we will speak to parents and offer support to the child and their family.
  • The school actively seeks to support children and their families through Early Help and intervention.
  • Referrals to external agencies for counselling or social emotional support can be accessed.
  1. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

Outside Agency Support

  • We have support from the Speech and Language Service, Inclusive Learning Service and Educational Psychologist, Dr. Alison Smedley, to support and develop staff working with pupils with SEND.
  • All parents/carers are consulted before the school seeks support from outside agencies. Class Teachers, the  SENCO and Extended Home School Link Worker work closely with families and where necessary, make referrals to the following agencies:
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Our Health Nursing Team 
  • Stoke-on-Trent Inclusion Service
  • Educational Psychologist, Dr. A Smedley
  • Young Carers
  • Social Care
  • Family Support Worker
  • CAMHS (Children & Adult Mental Health Services)
  • New Era (Domestic Abuse Service) It provides free and confidential support for victims, perpetrators and their families. It aims to end relationship abuse through a wide range of individual and group support for adults, children and young people for as long as they need it.
  1. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?

Staff expertise and training

  • There is a wealth of subject expertise within our academy. We have Specialist Leaders of Education for Early Years, Phonics and Maths, who are all involved in supporting staff in our own academy and across the St Bart’s Academy Trust – ‘Release Potential Together’
  • We are highly committed to providing opportunities for the continuing development of all staff. Learning and teaching staff, take on an active role in their own development in order to meet the needs of all of the pupils that they teach and support.
  • Safeguarding training is regularly reviewed (at least annually) alongside monthly safeguarding bulletins. All staff are at least Level 1 Safeguarding trained.
  • Support staff are all highly skilled in their roles and receive on-going training in a variety of interventions led by the SENCO, Senior Leadership Team,  other staff or  agencies
  • Continued Professional Development is delivered ongoing and is linked to the needs of the academy and our children.
  • All staff including Senior Leaders, Class Teachers, Senco, Extended Home School Link Worker and Learning Support Assistants may  attend courses to develop specific skills for supporting children, linked to the School Development Plan and recommended by Senior Leadership Team.
  1. How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

Enabling pupils with SEN to engage in activities outside the classroom,

  • School visits are available to all our pupils. Staff carefully select transport, activities and venues that are suitable for all children.
  • Extra-curricular activities are available to all our pupils, including the before and after school club.
  • All pupils are encouraged to take part in sports day/school plays/special workshops and themed days
  • All children are included in all aspects of school life wherever possible, careful risk assessments and extra support is put in place where necessary.
  • The school seeks to make reasonable adjustments to adapt any activity to enable all children to participate fully in school life.
  1. How accessible is the environment?
  • Park Hall is set within extensive grounds. The school entrance, offices, PE and lunch hall are accessible via a ramp. The building itself is split over three levels accessed internally by several stair cases. There are additional hand rails on some stair ways which have been added to support visually impaired pupils.
  • The school seeks to make all reasonable adjustments.
  • See Accessibility Plan on school website for more details
  1. How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?

Supporting pupils moving between phases and preparing for adulthood

To ensure a smooth transition into school, parents and children receive the following support:

  • When children join the school in the Foundation Stage, we offer a home visit in order to meet the child in their own environment.
  • All parents are invited to an induction meeting, where they are given all of the information required about our academy before their child starts.
  • We also hold a series of transition ‘Stay and Play’ sessions where the child and parent come to spend time in the Foundation Stage setting.
  • Children and parents, who are interested in joining the school in other years, are encouraged to visit the school. When a child joins the school, we ask parents to share any concerns they may have regarding their child with their class teacher. Where a child has previously been identified as having a special educational need or disability, the school will gather information from the previous setting and any external agencies to best support the child.
  • As necessary the school will request training e.g. where needed for medical interventions.
  •  We communicate with previous establishments to support a child’s transition and for some SEN pupils; a phased transitional period may be offered to help the child to settle where appropriate.

 To ensure a smooth transition between year groups in school:

  • There is a consistent approach in promoting positive behaviour, which all staff and pupils follow. This ensures that all children understand our academy expectations and pyramid system.
  • Planned transition opportunities take place over a week to prepare pupils for the next stage in their learning journey. Teachers and children get to know one another and positive relationships are developed which allow children to look forward to their next transition.
  • A child engages in activities with their new teacher, which will be displayed in their new class at the start of the year, to make them feel welcome and have ownership of their new class.
  • Children with additional needs will have additional transition sessions prior to the full week at the end of term. This may involve additional conversations with their new teacher or visits to the classroom so they feel more prepared for the transition.
  • Additional resources are prepared for some pupils, such as a visual photo book of their new class, cloakroom and staff, which parents can share with their child over the summer holidays to support them further.
  • Class teachers have transition time to pass on information about each child in their class, including those with SEN to their next teacher.
  • The previous teacher also passes on medical and other information about a child to the new teacher and other key staff.
  • Additional information may be passed to the new Class Teacher from the Extended Home School Link Worker and Senco
  • Transition information presentation is provided to all parents electronically.
  • Opportunities are provided for children to experience any new routines in the summer term so they are comfortable and familiar with these such as lining up before school/ playtimes in their new allocated location, playtimes/ lunchtimes etc.


To ensure a smooth transition into high schools our academy organises the following:


  • Opportunities for the children to attend workshops at local high schools across all year groups.
  • Meetings between class teachers and high school teachers.
  • Meetings between the SENCO and Extended Home School Link Worker and the high school SENCOs and Pastoral Team, where needed.
  • Opportunities for SEN children to visit their choice of high school with a member of the EHSW/ Senco /Learning Support Staff where needed.
  • Files are handed over to high schools or to the new school at the point of transition.
  • Our e-copies of documents are only accessible by relevant members of staff and are transferred once the child leaves school. We use CPOMS to store SEN information and safeguarding documentation securely and confidentially.

12. How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

  • The type of support, equipment and facilities needed to support children with SEN is led by the child’s individual need. Children with an ‘Education, Health Care Plan’ will have an amount of time to be given as a minimum, to ensure that they are able to meet their targets. Their EHCP clearly lays out the type of support needed as a recommendation.
  • Equipment is provided on an individual basis.
  • Specialist equipment and resources may be loaned by specialist services.
  • Children’s individual needs are assessed and support and resources are allocated based on need. This may include additional group support in class, small group or 1:1 intervention support, specific strategies within the environment, specialised equipment to allow access to the curriculum or social, emotional, mental health support provided from the Extended Home School Link Worker, Miss Hoddy or learning support staff team.
  • Use of  iPads to enable SEN  pupils to access personalised intervention tasks linked to their passport targets. Staff have also received training on the accessibility features contained on iPads which include magnifying tool, colour overlays and read aloud function.
  • School seek advice on supporting children with more specific or complex needs from Stoke-on-Trent Inclusion Learning Service.
  • School may make direct referrals to a variety of outside agencies including the Speech and Language Service, Camhs, New Era (Domestic Violence) and Our Health Nursing Team.
  • Budgets are closely monitored by the Principal to ensure funds and staffing are best allocated to meet the needs of all children. Provision is reviewed regularly to ensure that there has been an impact on pupil progress and this ensures that funding is spent to ensure that all children make at least good progress. This ensures that interventions are appropriately matched to pupil’s needs and are delivered by a team of highly trained teaching support staff.

13. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

  • All children receive quality first teaching which is monitored and evaluated each term. If a child needs additional support, this will be planned to address those needs initially by the class teacher. If this is not having the required impact, discussions will be held with Assistant Principals  and additional intervention support will be planned through  RAP plans.( Raising Attainment Plans)
  • The type of support, equipment and facilities needed to support children with SEN is led by the child’s individual need.
  • Children with an ‘Education, Health Care Plan’ will have an amount of time to be given as a minimum, to ensure that they are able to meet their targets. Their EHCP clearly lays out the type of support needed as a recommendation.
  • Equipment is provided on an individual basis.
  • Specialist equipment and resources may be loaned by specialist services such as Occupational Therapy or Inclusive Learning Services if available.
  • Other children at SEN Support will also receive intervention support linked to their needs as indicated on their Pupil Passport. This support may take various forms:

-In class support and strategies from teacher/teaching assistants

-Small group/1:1 intervention support

-Support from external agencies

-Provision of specialist resources

  • If interventions are not having the expected impact, then the Class Teacher supported by the SENCO, will adapt interventions.
  • Pupils may also be referred directly to other professionals such as Speech and Language in discussion with parents, to enable further more specialist support to be provided.

14a. how will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?

Involving pupils with Special Educational Needs in their education

  • Pupils with  SEN have Passports and Individual Education Health Care Plans, which set out their individual needs, targets and the support needed to achieve them. As part of this, pupils are consulted each term to review these and asked for their views, their goals, what is important to them, what they find challenging and how they can help themselves.
  • During the termly SEN Review meetings with teachers and parents, pupils share their views.
  • The Senco may also gather pupil’s views during pupil interviews throughout the year.
  • Park Hall Academy, actively listen to the Pupil Voice of all children in school, including those with identified Special Educational Needs.
  • There are opportunities to take on leadership roles throughout the school such as Parliament, Junior and Senior Leadership roles, Apple and Sports Ambassadors. Staff and parents in applying for these roles support them.

14b. how will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?

  • The Park Hall curriculum is broad and balanced, language rich and creative and based on the idea that ‘Reading Take’s you Places’. Learning and teaching is centered on a high quality text and this is used to engage and excite learners throughout the topic. The curriculum overview is available on the school website to ensure all parents are aware of their child’s current learning
  • It is vital that parents support their child’s learning journey through daily reading, logging this on BOOM Reader (online reading diary) and other homework activities.
  • During Teacher- Parent- Pupil Consultation meetings, a child’s attainment and progress is discussed with parents and new targets are discussed. Parents know how well their child is progressing and what steps are needed to ensure further progress. Prior to a pupil going on to the SEN Register, parents are invited for an Initial Consultation meeting  with the Class Teacher where the types of provision and support to be put in place are discussed.
  • The school involves parents in their child’s learning through termly Teacher -Parent-Pupil Progress meetings, for a child with Special Educational Needs, there will also  be an opportunity to discuss a child’s Pupil Passport and progress towards their targets. As part of this, teachers will ask parents how they will support their child at home.
  • Parents of children with an Education, Health Care Plan will be involved in annual review meetings with the Class Teacher and Senco. At these meetings the provision of the EHC Plan milestones are reviewed, amended and new milestones are set, in consultation with the pupil, parents, school staff and other agencies involved. This information is sent to the Local Authority Reviewing Caseworker, where a decision is made on the band and provision to be put in place for the following year.

15. How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

  • We believe in building strong partnerships with parents and welcome parents to participate in school life.
  • The Park Hall website contains information about our academy and acts as platform for parents to find out more about our academy. The curriculum overview, information and individual year group plans are available on the school website to ensure all parents are aware of their child’s current learning alongside supporting resources.
  • Our newsletters, assemblies, parent workshops and information shared on Class Dojo, all contribute to ensuring that parents are fully involved in their child’s learning journey.
  • We utilise social media platforms (Twitter and Facebook) to share and involve parents with their child’s learning journey as research with parents demonstrated that this type of communication was what was preferable to parents. Parents are able to post to the sites and share and be involved on an ongoing basis.
  • It is vital that parents support their child’s learning journey through daily reading and a wide variety of homework activities.
  • Parents attend termly consultation meetings with their child’s class teacher to review their child’s progress and Pupil Passport Targets.
  • There are opportunities provided throughout the year which allow parents to work alongside their children on projects within the classroom environment and parents are invited to learning workshops.
  • The Senior Leadership Team may also gather parent views through parent questionnaires throughout the year and through feedback comments  at events.
  • We have a Park Hall Family Association of which all parents are invited, and encouraged, to become active members of. The PHF group assist in hosting a range of events for pupils throughout the school calendar including discos, youth clubs, film shows, year 6 leaver’s prom etc.
  • Our Local Governing Committee has parent representatives who actively seek the views of other parents

16. What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

Complaints about SEN provision in our academy should be made to the child’s Class Teacher and Senco in the first instance. They will then be referred to the Principal and school’s complaints policy which is available to view on our school website.

17. What other support is available to parents and how can I contact them?

Contact details of support services for parents of pupils with SEN

  • If parents would like further support and advice, they may contact Stoke-on-Trent Parent Partnership Services (SENDIASS). They can be contacted  at, Tel 234701/ 4847
  • If parents would like support with health issues for children and young people aged 5-19, Our Health Central Access Hub based at Cobridge Community Health Centre can be contacted. Each locality will have a team of health professionals led by a school nurse to offer advice and support to families and carers. The Hub can be contacted on 0800 1240362 or via email at
  • A child’s parent or a young person aged 16-24, can request an Education, Health and Care Assessment. You are able to send your request to SENMAS. The contact details for SENMAS are :

Hazel Trees, Duke Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, ST4 3NR

  • , Tel 231863
  • Stoke-on-Trent Inclusive Learning Services can be contacted at:
  • clusive Learning Services l People – Children and Family Services

Hazel Trees, Duke Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 3NR Tel: 01782-232538

  • Staywell Service (To improve the wellbeing of children and young people. Provided by Changes YP in partnership with Younger Minds and the Dove Service. )

Contact: Staywell Services Manager on 01782-418518 or Email:


Facebook:; @staywellchanges