St Matthew’s Church of England Academy - Organisations
OFSTED rating | |
St. Matthew’s Church of England Primary Academy is a smaller than average primary school that provides full time education for pupils from Preschool to Year 6 (Ages 3 – 11). All classes in the school are mixed year groups. St Matthew’s aims to be a family community rooted in equality where everyone feels safe, happy and valued as a cherished member of our Christian academy and create resilience, hope and aspirations for the future. We will provide a caring environment where children and staff are given opportunities to flourish through inspirational learning, love and laughter. |
Contact name | Rebecca Hatch |
Contact position | SENDCo. |
Contact telephone | 01782 394 890 |
Contact email | |
Contact notes |
Can also speak to Maria Wilson |
Venue name | St Matthew's Academy |
Venue address | Lightwood Road |
Rough Close | |
Stoke on Trent | |
Staffordshire | |
ST3 7NE | |
Date | 8:55 – 15:25 |
Time of day | MorningAfternoon |
Website | |
School's extended local offer response |
What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?St Matthew’s accommodates all SEND in line with the Equality Act 2010 and provision is available for all four areas of the needs outlines in the 2014 SEND Code of Practice. Communication and Interaction (SLCN, ASD) Cognition and Learning (MLD, SpLD, DCD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia) Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (ADHD, ADD, BE&SD) Sensory and/or Physical needs (VI, HI, PD, MSI) How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?Children’s learning is monitored on a day to day basis as well as formatively each term. If a teacher has a concern about a child’s learning or progress, they can raise this with the SENDCo. who can offer support and guidance on meeting the needs of all children. If a child has a concern, they can speak with their class teacher or any other member of staff. If a parent or carer have concerns about their child's development or progress they can contact the class teacher in the first instance. Following initial discussions with the class teacher, strategies and support will be out into place and reviewed after 6 weeks. If concerns remain then further specialised advice will be sort from the SENDCo. How will the setting support my child/young person?The progress of all children is rigorously tracked and all pupils receive Quality First Teaching. Pupils' progress is discussed during regular pupil progress meetings. For pupils who are not making expected levels of progress initial barriers to learning will be discussed and appropriate classroom based support will be put in place. If this does not impact on progress then further specific SEND interventions will be implemented. The intervention offered will depend on the individual needs of the child. Following school based interventions, should further support be required school will access outside provision and advice following consent from parents/carers. Parents will be informed and involved in all stages of their child’s learning. How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?All children are exposed to a broad and balanced curriculum regardless of ability or need. High expectations are held for all of our children. Our curriculum is based on the needs of our children and teachers make appropriate adjustments the curriculum across all areas of learning so that it is appropriate and accessible to all abilities and learning styles. Those that need further additional support may work with a teaching assistant or learning support assistant. Also if specialist equipment is identified and needed this will be provided for the pupil. How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?Children’s progress is monitored and evaluated termly. Children who require specific targets will be outlined and these will be discussed during parent consultation evenings. If they are required more frequently, regular meetings with parents, the child and members of staff who are involved in the support of children with specific needs will be offered and organised. School will also offer support and advice on how parents may support the learning of their child. For those children who are on the SEN register, their Individual Education Plans (IEPS) will be reviewed half termly. For children who have an EHC Plan, they will have an annual review meeting to review provision for the children and discuss necessary adjustments and will also have their IEP reviewed half termly. What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?We aim to ensure that all children feel safe and have good relationships with staff and their peers. We take a holistic approach to ensure that all children have a positive experience in school. We have many strategies to develop children’s overall wellbeing, including: Daily Assemblies/ Worship time, PSHE Lessons, Class Circle Times, Positive Reward System based on our Core Christian Values, Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), Playground Buddies, Anti-bullying policy, After School Clubs, School Nurse, PCSO, Care Plans, Behaviour Logs, Home-School Communication Books and open and positive communication with parents. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?Within the academy we have access and liaise with: Speech and Language Therapists, School Nurses, Health Visitors, Hearing & Visual Impairment Support, Educational Psychologist, Stoke SEND Advisors, Young Minds, CAMHs and Occupational Therapy. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?Staff at St. Matthew's receive ongoing staff training. Staff have received training on the SEND Code of Practice, Quality First Teaching and Restorative Behaviour. Some staff receive specialised training dependent on their role and the children they are supporting. This training has included: Paediatric First Aid NASENCO Award How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?All children are given equal opportunities to access and enjoy activities outside the classroom including school trips by all involved working together. If necessary, additional Risk assessments are completed. How accessible is the environment?Access to the curriculum is ensured through: Adaptation: different ways of recording, alternative success criteria, learning outcomes, Visual Timetables, Sand timers, Pencil Grips, Tripod Pencils and any other reasonable adjustments to allow all children to access all parts of school life. Disabled access to the building is available through the main office and the building mainly on one level. If needed height adjustable tables and chairs. Access to the school community through the School’s website, school app, Facebook Page, Text message system and Tapestry. How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?Transition arrangements are made when starting school, and moving on from the school. These include: Stay & Play sessions (EYFS), visits to the school before starting (at any age), visits to prior settings, buddy system for children new to the school, planned transitions between key stages, transition days between classes, transition events arranged by local high schools, Sharing of information between teachers/settings and enhanced transition is provided as required How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?At St Matthew’s resources are allocated based on the needs of individuals/groups. Resources are allocated to classes following Pupil Progress meetings and children are given interventions based on assessments of need. Additional adults may be provided where there is an immediate need or where an EHC Plan is in place for a child. Resources and equipment may be provided by the school or specialist providers such as Health Care following recommendation or assessment. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?Concerns raised by staff, parents and pupils support decision making around the provision for each child. Decisions are made about how much support will be received based on need. If the school feels more target support or additional provision is needed then they will discuss with parents applying for an EHC Plan and if awarded this will recommend what support/provision a child should receive. Interventions state a required time and duration. Following the 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' cycle, the support may be removed, changed or additional support may be provided. How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?Children are involved in their own learning journey, they are asked to contribute to their IEPs, Pupil Passports and in review meetings where appropriate. Pupil voice is regularly gathered and used to implement changes about learning. How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?We build positive relationships with Parents. Parents are invited to review meetings and parents are asked for their thoughts about their child’s targets. What do I do if I want to make a complaint?The academy’s full complaints procedure is on our website. What other support is available to parents and how can I contact them?We help parents’ complete DLA forms. We also support health appointments and referrals. Early Help is available for families experiencing difficulties (financial, health, relationships, children). SENDIASS - SEND Information, Advice & Support Service
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