Christ Church CofE Primary Academy - Organisations

OFSTED rating

We would like to thank-you for visiting our Local Offer, we hope you find the information useful.

At Christ Church CofE Primary Academy staff work hard to make sure children are happy, well cared for and that they reach the highest standards possible. Our latest OFSTED report states that, “Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils and want them to thrive in learning and life.” We all want the best for our children and we know that children achieve more when parents and school work together. RESPECT is at the heart of everything we do at Christ Church CE Primary Academy.

If you would like any further information about our school, or wish to enquire about a school place for your child please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our Vision:

We are one Christ like family seeking to achieve our school aims and allowing all to flourish by demonstrating the same endurance, friendship, dignity and respect as the Good Samaritan did with respect as our key.

We will achieve this by demonstrating respect in all that we do as we live life together just as the Good Samaritan did.

Realising our God given potential
Enjoying each day
Supporting and serving our communities
Praising and worshiping
Encouraging each other
Celebrating diversity
Treating others as we would want to be treated.  Luke 6: 31

Our School Christian Value:

Respect: The Good Samaritan, Luke 10: 25-37

Our Motto:

"Learning with God and Each Other to be the Best We Can Be"

Contact name Mrs Scattergood
Contact position Principal
Contact telephone 01782 234 834
Contact email
Contact notes

Christ Church CofE Primary Academy values the abilities and achievements of all its pupils, promoting maximum development of knowledge, skills and understanding, together with personal and social growth for all.

All pupils have the same entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and to participate in all aspects of school life.  Our SEND team in school is lead by our Inclusion Leader Mrs Rebecca Bennett, who can be contacted by telephoning the school, via email or through the Contact link on the homepage.

Venue name Christ Church CofE Primary Academy
William Street
Date School opens for pupils 8.40am
Session information

School days finishing times: Nursery 3.00pm, Reception 3.10pm, Key Stage 1 3.10pm, Key Stage 2 3.15pm .For a list of afterschool clubs please see our school website or contact the school office.

School's extended local offer response

What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?

Our Academy provides for all SEND in line with The Equality Act 2010 and provision is available for all four areas of need as outlined in the 2014 SEND Code of Practice:

Communication and Interaction (ASD, SLCN) - difficulty in communicating with others, including children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Cognition and Learning (MLD, SPLD) - where children may learn at a slower pace than their peers and have a Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD).  Children may also have a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyscalculia or dyspraxia.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH) - children may display challenging, disruptive behavior, which may reflect underlying social, emotional and mental health issues. Children may also have disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) or attachment disorder.

Sensory and/or physical needs (HI, VI, PI, MSI) - children may have a disability which prevents them from making use of the general educational facilities.

The SENCO team and contact details are:

  • Mrs Rebecca Bennett – Inclusion Leader:
  • Miss Sarah Edwards - Assistant SENCo:

How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision that is different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’ SEND Code of Practice, 2014.

We aim to identify additional needs at the earliest opportunity all children who need special consideration. Parents of children with SEN say that they 'feel confident to speak to (their child's) class teacher and Inclusion Team' and agree that they know who they can speak to. We encourage you to talk to us if you have any worries or issues, you can arrange an appointment to talk to your child’s class teacher if you have concerns regarding your child’s needs and support. You can also ask to see our SENCo.  Pupils are only identified as having SEN if they do not make adequate progress once they have had intervention/adjustments and first quality personalised teaching. To identify any specific areas your child may need additional support in we may utilise the following:

  • Specialist Assessments
  • Examples of work
  • End of year expectations, children in the Early Years will be monitored against their Early Years Foundation Stage profiles.
  • Regular monitoring and continual assessment of the child’s needs/progress
  • Ongoing communication with parents about their child’s progress
  • Carrying out any standardised tests to access children’s learning and identifies areas of need.
  • The views of the class teacher/SENCo about the child’s learning
  • Liaison/consultation with and assessments carried out by outside agencies.
  • The views of the child.
  • The views of the child's parents.

Any identified SEN is then discussed between the inclusion team and class staff. You will be invited into school to discuss your child's needs and how we plan to support them. If a child would benefit from being on the academies SEN register you will be involved in making this decision and be asked to give your consent to place them onto the Special Needs register at SEN Support. Your child's progress is reviewed half termly.

If a child continues to have difficulties which we think would indicate if your child would benefit from an assessment, to identify more specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, we will then seek permission to present your child's case at an SEN Code of Practice Meeting in order to seek more specialist advice from professionals. If the panel agree that external support is required, they will recommend a referral to external professionals, such as the Educational Psychologist or members of the Inclusive Learning Services Team. Again, your consent will be sought at this time and you will be asked to contribute in the referral process.

Once referrals are made and dates have been agreed, professionals will then come into school to meet with class staff, parents and carry out pupil observations/assessments. These will then be analysed and used to inform next steps.  Following this a range of written evidence about the child will be collected, further strategies implemented.

If still there is concern, we will discuss applying to the Local Authority for statutory assessment. The LA will then decide is an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is needed to enable the child to make progress and access learning. Parents will be consulted and asked for their views throughout the assessment process.

How will the setting support my child/young person?

We are an inclusive academy, with a strong commitment to meeting the needs of our pupils. The support your child receives is dependent upon the level of need your child has. All children on the SEN register will be supported by the Class teacher through first quality teaching with. The inclusion team will direct provision, which may be delivered by a Teacher Support Assistant, this could be as part of a small group or in a 1-to1 situation. Regular training is available to staff in order for them to be equipped with the skills to support children's needs.  It may be necessary for your child to receive a specific small group or individual intervention delivered by the Assistant SENCO or another member of staff. We have a range of resources to support pupils SEN needs, these range from specialist equipment, strategies and intervention programmes.

All staff work in partnership to ensure that the needs of the children are met. Teachers and Teaching Assistant's both work closely with the Inclusion Team to ensure the best practice for all children.

Children on the SEN register will have their needs identified on a 'Passport for success', which will identify their strengths and areas needing development, along with specific targets and actions needed. You will be asked to contribute to the process of setting & reviewing targets.

If your child requires or has an Education Health and care plan (EHCP and formally known as a statement of Special Educational Need) they will receive specialised assistance as outlined in the objectives and provision of the EHC. The interventions carried out are usually based around recommendations from external agencies such as SENDs or the Educational Psychology Service and are delivered in small groups or on a 1:1 basis. These interventions are monitored and reviewed regularly according to the progress that is made. The Academy creates a provision map each term that shows the additional support offered to children with specific needs. The governing body also requests an annual report on the provision for our SEN pupils and the effectiveness of our support in making a difference to these pupils.

How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?

We ensure that the children receive a personalised approach to learning, in a nurturing and inclusive environment. Our staff have high expectations of all children, and outline the success criteria for all children. If a child is identified as needing more specific support the SENCO may involve external agencies for further support.

All work is highly differentiated so that children receive work which is at a level suited to them and can engage in successful learning.

Our teaching is accompanied by a range of multisensory equipment/resources which cater for children with a range of SEN.

Children with speech, language & communication needs: We use 'Talking Tins' and we use iPads to record and playback information (etc.)

Children with cognition & learning needs: Various multi-sensory resources to support key areas of the curriculum, such as cubes to support counting, visual picture cards, magnetic letters, visual prompts (etc.)

Children with social, emotional & mental health needs: Individualised strategies, support plans & reward systems (etc.)

Children with sensory needs: Support from the VI/HI service & listening devices (etc.)

Children with physical needs: Differentiated  activities & reasonable adjustments & motor skill programmes (etc.)

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?

We frequently monitor progress of all our pupils. Class teachers carry out half termly assessments to track progress. Further evidence is logged on the Academies database called DCPro.  All literacy and numeracy books have a record of progress on the cover so each child knows where they are in relation to appropriate stage for their age. If your child has an SEN or Disability they will receive additional monitoring through the use of diagnostic and standardised assessments which give more detailed information about what support you child may need. SEND monitoring works in conjunction with your child’s Age related expectations and classroom assessments. Your child's progress against their pupil passport targets is monitored on a daily basis and reviewed Termly though staff leading on interventions will give & record new targets if the one on the passport is achieved before this time.

You are welcome to ask to speak to the Inclusion Team or class teacher at any time. You will be invited to meet with your child's class teacher termly to ensure your views are reflected in your child's passport, this will involve you contributing to the target setting & reviewing process. You will receive a copy of your child’s progress review along with the new targets for your child. You can also request to discuss your child’s provision and materials/resources can be made available for you to use at home with your child.

Children with Education and Health Care Plan will receive an annual review to enable all involved to be clear on progress - but are welcome to come meet with staff at other times in the year, this can be arranged verbally or using the Dojo messaging system.

Parents evening are opportunities for you to review your child's progress and discuss matters with your child's class teacher. 

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?

The overall well-being of your child is of the upmost importance to us. All of our academy staff, work as a team to support the needs of the children in order to for pupils to have positive overall wellbeing.  We work in collaboration between parents, teachers, inclusion staff, family support (Home School Link Worker, Mrs Birks). Where appropriate we liaise with external agencies who specialise in specific areas to support well-being.

Our Home School Link Worker works with the families of vulnerable children to ensure that the family is supported in the best ways possible. This involves the Early Help Assessment & meeting process and attending meetings to support the safeguarding of the children.

We are very lucky to have a Younger Mind counsellor work with children our academy on Wednesdays, all day, every week! Children, with parental consent, are referred by school staff to the Younger Mind counsellor. The process involves an initial parental consultation and then your child will be offered a weekly 1:1 slot with the counsellor, until it is appropriate to stop the sessions. Children who are not accessing Younger Mind via the referral system can access 'drop-in' support at lunchtimes & this will be monitored.

We have a weekly celebration assembly to ‘celebrate’ good behaviour and recognise hard work, effort and attainment throughout the week.

Our staff have received First aid, Asthma, Diabetes and Epi-pen training. 

Children who require medicine or have specific medical needs have a care plan which is written by a school nurse and Home-School Link worker implemented by our staff, this plan is shared with all staff your child is in regular contact with.Should your child have a specific medical need training will be arranged for the staff members who will work most closely with them, however if necessary full staff training can be arranged. Administration of other medicines will be completed by the school office members, where medicines are kept. The appropriate paperwork would need to be completed before medication can be administered.

We use a positive behaviour system which uses a range of rewards to engage children, such as PIP (Praise in public) and RIP (reprimand in private) Regular praise, certificates, stickers DOJO’s and Golden Box rewards are used. Our school is a ‘Rights Respecting School’, which focuses on the rights of a child and teaches the children about respecting every individual.

Children with more specific needs will have detailed, individual learning/support plans.

The academy has numerous policies, including some which are child friendly, which detail support arrangements to support the overall wellbeing of our pupils. You can find these by visiting our website. There is currently a number of pupils helping to create a child friendly 'Mental Health & Wellbeing' policy.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

The academy has access to a number of agencies and professionals who support the us in promoting achievement for children and young people with SEN. We receive consultation, advice and guidance from the LA’s Inclusion Services (Educational Psychology Service and SEND services) which is outlined in a Service Level Agreement each year.

Our Home School Link Worker works with multi-agencies to support safeguarding and the needs of all children in our care, including Looked after children.

Our Inclusion Team have good working relationships with agencies who provide external support where necessary, such as:

  • Hearing Impairment Service
  • Specialists in cognitive and learning difficulties
  • NHS Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Visual Impairment Service
  • Physical Impairment service
  • Specialists in autistic spectrum disorders
  • Specialists in social, emotional and mental health difficulties, including CAMHS.
  • Health Service.

What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?

Training needs are identified by the academies Senior Management team; all staff and Local Academy Members (previously school Governors) are encouraged to attend courses. The Inclusion team attends regular courses, forums and updates to ensure that practices relating to SEN are regularly updated. Both teaching and support staff are trained in various teaching strategies and intervention programmes, this depends on the varying needs of the pupils with SEN and is actioned by the Principal with guidance from the Inclusion Team.  A number of support staff are trained in specific interventions - you can ask the Principal for more information on the training staff have received, who will be happy to discuss this with you.

We ensure that individual support is given to new members of staff, particularly newly qualified teachers.

If your child has a specific need we endeavour to ensure that the practitioner working with your child has received relative training linked to that need and that this is regularly monitored by the Inclusion Team.

We also seek staff views on any areas they feel they are particularly good at or would like some guidance with and we consider this when planning support/training.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

We endeavour to support your child so that they can be included in all aspects of school life, including trips and extra-curricular activities.  We will always aim to make reasonable adjustments to ensure inclusion for all.

Risk assessment and personal support plans are carried out if health and safety issues could arise for some children. Staffs to child ratios are adhered to.

The year 6 children attend a residential trip, which usually takes place after SATS, again children with additional needs will be supported so that they can be included in this activity. Sometimes this involves working with parents to ensure these needs are fully explored and met.

If you would like a copy of our extra-curricular activities/clubs time-table, please ask Mrs Colclough who you can find at the main office.

How accessible is the environment?

The academy is fully compliant with the Equality Act and reasonable adjustments are made for all children with SEND.  The academy grounds are accessible for visitors, both on foot and via wheelchair.

We have a disabled toilet in school situated within the main school.

Further information can be found in the school’s Accessibility Plan on our website.

How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?

We have close links with local nursery settings which we liaise with on a regular basis. During the Summer and Autumn we begin transition work for those children transferring to Christ Church. 

For children joining nursery for the first time, home visits take place to ensure a smooth transition into school.

Should a child join us mid-year transition is conducted with the previous school, to ensure we fully understand your child’s needs. Transition between year groups also occurs at the end of the summer term, providing time for children to adjust to their new classroom and teacher.

During the summer term of your child’s final year at our school our Assistant SENCO and teachers are in contact with your child’s chosen High School.  Meetings are arranged to discuss and relay information which will be beneficial to your child’s learning on their transfer to high school, resources are shared. 

Visits to your child’s chosen high school are encouraged and a personalised transitional package may be drawn up to suit individual children going to high school. All SEND records will be automatically transferred to your child’s new educational setting and we can provide additional support in the form of communication with the high school should they need further support/information - this will of course be with parental consent.

We aim to teach our pupils some skills in independence by the creation of independence targets, support and where appropriate, supporting parents in how they can help their children become more independent at home. 

How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

We will discuss with you if/when we feel that something additional is needed to support your child because they have an additional need. This information will then be recorded in your child’s pupil passport. In relation to this learning support can then be planned across each year group. Pupils on the SEN register can also be allocated resources based on their individual need; this can range from resources to support literacy and maths, speech & language needs, social, emotional & mental health needs, physical/sensory needs. Some of this equipment may take the form of specialist writing books, pencils, pencil grips, coloured overlays, specialist cutlery/scissors or a specialist chair. These resources are usually provided for out of the schools budget. 

We are very lucky to have a teaching assistant in every classroom and our Reception class currently has 1 EY practitioner working alongside the class teacher. We also have an Inclusion Leader and an Assistant SENCO, who works hard to ensure the needs of our venerable pupils are met. Their role is to plan, action & monitor support, direct the work of others, deliver specialist programmes, training and share their wealth of SEN knowledge with staff. The Inclusion Team also liaise with professionals from multiple agencies and other schools/academies to share best practice.

During incidences where more specialist equipment is required we can apply to the local authority for more funding. Resources are usually allocated after receiving a child specific recommendation from external agency. Children with an Education and Health Care Plan with have support commensurate with the outcomes stated on the plan by the local authority.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

Any decision regarding the support your child will receive is made with the advice of our academy, parents/carers/families and outside agencies.  Regular discussions will take place, during which needs are identified and appropriate strategies are suggested.

A range of evidence is collected through the usual assessment and monitoring arrangements (see the academies' assessment policy). We deliver a graduated approach in providing SEN children with support.

If the evidence suggests the learner is not making the expected progress, and the class teacher is concerned about their progress, a consultation will take place with the SENCO, in order to decide whether additional and/or different provision is necessary. Initially, additional support in class will be put into place by the class teacher. For example, support could take the form of a literacy or maths catch-up programme, or extra 1-to-1 reading sessions.

If sufficient progress has still not been made after this intervention, parents will be asked to come into school to discuss concerns and it is possible that with parental consent the child will then be placed on the special educational needs register with parental permission. The amount of support your child receives is dependent upon how significant their need is, for example they may only need support in 1 area and so they will have intervention for this or they may need support in 3 areas and so will need support in all 3 areas, meaning the amount of support will be higher.

If the child still needs further support an Educational Psychologist will be invited into school to offer advice and investigate if applying for additional funding to support your child is necessary by requesting an assessment for an Education and Health Care Plan.

How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?

At Christ Church CofE Primary Academy we believe that all children have the right to participate in decision making that affects their overall development.

We utilise 'All about Me' profiles as a way to gain the children's views. These detail - what they like/dislike, what they think they are good at/what they think they struggle with, what support they would like to have, what helps them to be a good learner and what their aspiration for their future is. These have been really useful in forming bonds with our pupils and in planning support which they find enjoyable and had impact.

Children’s participation is more than just asking them about their views, it's about listening to/understanding children's thoughts/feelings and using this vital information to support our pupils. It is important for us that the children are included in the process of setting and reviewing their Pupil Passport targets. We ensure these are SMART (Smart, measureable, achievable, realistic targets) so that the children have clear goals to aim for and ensure they are successful. All staff have recently been equipped with a SMART Target setting resource which they can refer to. Your child and the class teacher will have a discussion when writing pupil passports, this will be about what they feel they are good at and what they are struggling with, following which targets are set.

Children are asked to contribute in the pupil passport target setting/reviewing process and there are sections for them to add their comments to these forms. There is a visual representation the children can use to indicate how they feel about their progress. There is also a 'What can I do to help myself?' section in Pupil Passports, which is shared with the child and where appropriate the child's ideas are reflected.

It is a standard part of daily practice for children self-assess their learning and take an active role in their progress. Pupil views are sought at each stage of preparing for an EHC (Education, Health and Care Plan).

Our children also appoint a school counsellor for their class. The school council meets termly and allows the children the opportunity to voice their opinions.

Where appropriate, children are involved in the creation of policies and in making decisions regarding school matters.

How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?

The views of our parents are extremely important, we welcome parents as an active participant in the life of our school.  We feel that when parents are involved in their child's education, children, parents and our school will benefit for the following reasons:

  • Enhances children's self-esteem
  • Improves children's academic achievement
  • Improves parent-child relationships
  • Helps parents develop positive attitudes towards school
  • Gives parents a better understanding of the schooling process.

Due to our passion in involving parents in the decision making for our children in September 2020 we set up a Parental coffee morning for the parents/carers of our SEN children, this is lead by our Assistant SENCo; Sarah Edwards. The group meets once every half term and it has resulted in some really positive adjustments to our SEN practices. Our SEN children are also invited along to give their views and they showcase their work which they have been working on in class.

 There are several ways which you can communicate your views such as: during meetings, parent questionnaires or verbally. There are formal occasions such as Parent’s Evening where you will be involved in discussions about your child’s education. We also have an ‘open door’ policy where parents are usually able to speak to a teacher after school to pass on a message/ piece of information before school to a member of staff. Parents are also able to telephone to arrange for a teacher to call them back or email via the school office if there is a particular issue they wish to discuss. We can arrange a meeting for a longer discussion may this be necessary. Parents are represented on the school governing body and there is also a very active PTFA in school.

Upon identifying children with SEND we contact parents to communicate the difficulties their child is displaying at the earliest possible convenient time for both parties.

As previously mentioned, Parents are involved with the pupil passport target setting/reviewing process.

If you have concerns about your child you can contact the school and speak to the class teacher or Inclusion Leader. You can also message the school using the Class DOJO system.

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

We strive for the best for our children and we know that children achieve more when parents and school work together. We recognise the importance of effective partnership with parents and offers parent evenings, newsletters, SEN parent open days and Family Fun Learning days.

Parents are warmly encouraged to join the life of the school through invites to assemblies, concerts; parents evening or sports days, dates for events are printed in the schools Newsletter as well as other relevant information for parents. Parents are also welcome to join the schools PTFA.

Regarding children who have SEN, parents are involved at all levels, for example at the early identification stage; determining the level of support and the barrier to learning; at the review stage and at the transition stage from school to school and on to the next phase of education.

We aim to promote co-operation with parents by:

Ensuring all parents are made aware of the school’s SEND arrangements, including opportunities for meetings between parents and the academies Inclusion Team.

Acting upon concerns and issues raised by parents.

Involving parents as soon as a concern has been raised by teachers.

Sharing Pupil Passports with parents to ensure they are fully informed of their child's performance.

Supporting parents in their understanding of external agency advice and support.

Providing information about Parent Partnership

Making parents aware of support available to improve their own parenting skills in order to support the work done in school.

What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

If parents have concerns in school they are encouraged to first discuss their concerns with the class teacher, then a further meeting may be arranged with the SENCo or other member of the Senior Leadership Team. Following this meeting, the Principal and the Local Academy Committee may then be involved as necessary. If parents have a major complaint then they should contact the Principal in the first instance.

What other support Is available to parents and how can I contact them?

Please get in touch with us by ringing the school number (01782 234834) if you have any questions at all, the school office will pass you onto the relevant person, or pass on a message for them contact you as soon as possible. You can gain other support in school from various members of school staff.

You can make an appointment to discuss any concerns with the Principal, Mrs Scattergood.

The Home School Link Worker, Mrs Birks can help support your family as a whole and provide information on external services to support you.

Our Assistant SENCO and Inclusion Leader are also available for meetings or to speak with you via the telephone.

Also follow the link for SENDIASS (SEND Information, Advice and Support) Website: for more advice