Bentilee Nursery School - Organisations
OFSTED rating | |
A Local Authority nursery school catering for children 2-5 years old. We offer 15 hours part time provision over 2 and a half days a week. We have strong links with Treehouse Children's Centre and work collaboratively to support families as a whole. We have a Head teacher, 1 part time teacher, 1 part time Senior Early Years Practitioner and 5 Early Years Practitioners, 3 Teacher Support Assistants and a Family Support Practitioner who is also Deputy Safeguarding Officer to give you and your family the best possible support.
Contact name | Miss Juliet Levingstone |
Contact position | Head teacher |
Contact telephone | 01782 235065 |
Contact email | |
Second email | |
Venue name | Bentilee Nursery School |
Dawlish Drive | |
Bentilee | |
Stoke-on-Trent | |
Staffs | |
ST2 0HW | |
Venue notes |
We are situated inside Treehouse Children's Centre. We have our own entrance on Dawlish Drive. |
Date | Monday 9am-3pm, Tuesday 9am-3pm, Wed 8.30-11.30am, Wed 12.15pm-3.15pm, Thursday 9am-3pm, Friday 9am-3pm |
Time of day | Monday, Tuesday and Wed morning is one session. Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday is our other session. |
Cost | These costs are for children not eligible for 2 yr old funding or who want to pay for additional hours beyond the 15 hours entitlement |
Referral required | <p>Please contact the school direct. </p> |
Referral type |
As a nursery school we treat each child as an individual and will gladly invite parents to see our provision to ensure it meets the needs of your child. |
Website | |
School's extended local offer response |
What kinds of SEND does the school provide for? At Bentilee Nursery School we aim to provide high quality support for the following special educational needs:
How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs? Children are assessed before entry to the Nursery on induction/ transition visits into the school, including observations at past settings and home visits as part of the baseline assessment for the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. We use this information as starting points for learning and to develop a personalised learning journey which shows appropriate support and challenge for every child. As part of the induction process parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the class teacher and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).
It is really important to remember that a child identified as having a special educational need will not necessarily have it for the rest of their life. Many just need to learn the strategies to support their learning in a different way and for this to become embedded. How will the setting support my child/young person? Having identified needs we seek to match provision to those needs. In The Early Years Foundation Stage teachers plan play based activities to match the individual needs of the children. Specific interventions are used to help to accelerate pupil progress. These are monitored through regular staff meetings and the tracking of pupil progress.
The Governing Body is reported to termly about how every child is progressing. Children are not named to respect confidentiality. The linked governor with responsibility for SEN is Mrs. Ann Harvey and her assistant is Mrs. Louise Foden They will be particularly looking at developmental ages achieved in the different areas of learning and will be asking questions about children who are not making expected progress. Mrs. Harvey has vast knowledge and experience of early years. She will ask staff questions as a critical friend, to challenge what she sees on learning walks around school, and on joint observations of teaching and learning. How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs? In our school parents bring their child into the school daily and collect them daily. There is daily opportunity to make an appointment with your child’s Key person, the SENCO or Headteacher to discuss your child’s progress. Parents are partners and very much part of the decision making process and are partners in identifying teaching and learning targets. This can be done at half termly parent consultations/target setting meetings. The school will arrange these. We also have a Family Support worker, Nicola Hill who you can meet to discuss your child's needs. The Family Support worker runs half termly “Family Learning” workshops which enable you to do activities with your child at school and get ideas about how to develop them at home. We have termly we have “stay and play” events for 3&4 yr old parents/carers. You are invited into school to see the activities we do with your child and to play alongside. This is an opportunity to ask staff questions, get updates on progress, and get ideas of activities that you can do at home to support your child’s progress. In our half termly newsletter and on our website and Facebook page, we regularly show photographs of our curriculum activities which could be extended at home. The school gives out weekly home/school links activities which enable you to support your child’s learning at home and bring them back into school to celebrate. Your child will receive a weekly library book for you to share at home with a reading diary. Our curriculum is arranged loosely over half termly topics with a specific curriculum focus e.g literacy/science that changes each half term. The curriculum is flexible to meet children’s differing needs. Your “unique child’s” interests are brought into activities daily. All children have a balance of free flow play indoors and out as well as teacher focused activities over the day, so children who prefer to learn outside get the opportunity to learn through play there, and children who prefer to learn indoors get the opportunity to learn through play there as well. We set up the indoors and outdoors spaces with active learning play based activities around the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum 7 areas of learning which are Personal, social and emotional development, Communication and language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive arts and design. Children therefore have access to every area each day and will be able to develop skills in all areas. Activities are differentiated, that means they are planned to address certain groups of children’s learning needs, this includes introducing new learning as well as practicing learning they already know to challenge children and move their learning on. Staff monitor and assess learning daily and from observations and evaluations plan the next steps for your child to make progress, and plan appropriate activities. The school runs small intervention groups to support speech and language and attention. These are run in collaboration with outside agencies at times like the City music school or using speech therapy programmes, and the Stoke Speaks out developmental tool. The steps to leaning achievements are often broken down into smaller steps and this allows us to plan and adapt provision effectively to meet every child’s individual needs. As an inclusive setting children with SEN are not excluded from any activities, including physical activities. Staff make reasonable adjustments to ensure they have the same experiences e.g. a member of support staff will give one to one help to a child or supportive equipment is put out to support like a different chair or a ramp. How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning? We have an open door policy and you can ask your child's key person any time informally. We have termly stay and play meetings where you meet the key person and discuss progress together and set a new target. You can also keep us updated on wow moments your child does at home through the Dojo app. We send home weekly home/ school links work for you to help your child with as well as reading diary and book for your weekly comments. Staff keep records on your child related to the Early Years Foundation stage curriculum that track progress in the Prime areas of learning in the 2s and the Prime and Specific areas of learning in the 3 / 4s room . Staff are constantly updating this and it is tracked through age related progress milestones. Mrs. Hill runs Family learning opportunities as well which allow you and your child to “play” and learn in a group situation. These are run at least termly. Letters and texts are sent out to give you time to plan ahead.. What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing? A dedicated team of professionals, ensuring that your child meets their full potential. These include teachers, early years practitioners and teacher support assistants in the classroom, the SENCO, the Family Support worker and the safeguarding team. Each child has a Key Person responsible for their learning records as well as their personal, social and emotional well being. Your child and you will make that special bond every time you enter the classroom as children self register and settle for Circle time.
Staff are trained in safeguarding children and the school’s procedures for safeguarding children are exemplary. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting? We have highly trained staff in all areas of SEN working within school Staff follow a programme of continuous Professional Development to keep up to date with current initiatives. The Governing Body plays a strategic role in school ensuring the school does not try to operate alone but works in effective partnership with specialist outside agencies. The Governors are updated about SEN in the termly Governors Report as well as having a linked governor who acts as a critical friend to ensure effective provision is being provided to the best of the school’s ability. We have a good relationships with Health Visitors and we can contact them for support . They support us with child development checks, to help identify possible delays or help in assessing a child’s developmental age level. We have good links with Family Support in the area and they often hotdesk in Bentilee Family Hub All parents/carers are consulted before the school seeks support from external agencies. The SENCO works closely with families and the Family Support Worker. Referrals to the following health departments can be made. These are usually done in partnership with the school. Contact information is below for your information:-
Other agencies that the school works closely with are as follows – Local Authority SEND Services which provide support for all areas of SEN. Tel the Duty phone -01782 231863 open between 9.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday All specialist expertise and support is chased up once the SEN team has agreed to intervention support. If the referral needs more evidence, and in some cases more time to pass, due to a child’s age, then the setting works hard with parents to collect further evidence and looking at ways the setting can make more reasonable adjustments in the mean time. The Portage service can assist with specialist equipment or sign post us to other establishments to borrow equipment. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having? Bentilee Nursery School is highly committed to providing opportunities for the continuing development of its entire staff. Staff take on an active role in their own development in order to meet the needs of all of the pupils that they teach. We have excellent Speech, Communication and Language programmes across the school, staff are Letters and Sounds trained and we are a recognised Stoke Speaks Out, Communication Friendly, Level 4 school. We have been trained in the Language screening programme and teach the programmed Time to Talk / Time to listen. A team of staff have had autism awareness training.
Staff are deployed to work with children by matching their expertise with the needs of the child. How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips? We aim to give all our children the opportunity to succeed and reach the highest level of personal achievement. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children.
Parents of children who are entitled to Pupil Premium Funding are invited into school discuss how funding can be used to support their child. Some parents choose to use this funding to enable their child attend clubs, trips and activities outside of school. How accessible is the environment? Our Accessibility Plan (on the website- click parents and then policies) shows how the school continually is updating plans to make the space work effectively for all children’s needs and we continually remind staff and learners about the Equality Act 2010. We value and respect diversity in our setting and do our very best to meet the needs of all of our learners.
The governors Curriculum Committee review our accessibility plan. Parents with specific children’s needs are invited to review meetings. How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life? To ensure a smooth induction into Nursery school parents and children are invited to the following
Additionally the staff will link with external agencies when needed, to put in place support for children with specific needs eg Health Visitor, Social Workers etc To ensure a smooth transition into Primary schools the school organises the following:
How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs? Budgets are closely monitored and are aligned to the School Development Plan. Regular reviews take place to ensure funds and staffing are best allocated to meet the needs of all children. We use our Special Education Needs and Pupil Premium funding to target vulnerable children. Provision is reviewed regularly to ensure that there has been an impact on pupil progress and that the funding is spent to benefit the children. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?
It is important for parents to be aware that we are working together but if at any time you are not happy with any decisions being made you must feel that you can complain. Of course we hope you would work with the key person, the SENCO, and the Headteacher and outside agencies. If you are still not happy we would ensure you get opportunity to speak to the linked governor Ann Harvey who is also the Chair of Governors. How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning? Your child will be involved and consulted about their education through the school’s Pupil Passport. This allows children to clearly state their likes, what they are good at, things they find hard, what they would like to be able to do, identify people that can help them, identify resources they need to help them and to identify additional support they might need. Child’s voice is key to effective learning. Your child is also involved in their education through talking to staff through play which signals to practitioners the next steps needed to help your child. This can be seen in staffs planning. How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people? Parents are the first educator of your child and your knowledge and importance in your child’s education is paramount.
Parent workshops allow parents opportunities to understand how their children learn. How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved? Parents are the first educator of your child and your knowledge and importance in your child’s education is paramount.
Parent workshops allow parents opportunities to understand how their children learn. What do I do if I want to make a complaint? For further information about Bentilee Nursery School please contact the school office in the first instance on 01782 235065. School Prospectuses are available on request. Take a look at our website. There is a wealth of information about our school community on it. The Headteacher and SENCO is Miss Juliet Levingstone. The Family Support Worker/ Deputy Safeguarding Officer is Mrs. Nicola Hill The assistant SENCOs are Mrs Jayne Grindey and Mrs. Joanne Smith The Office Manager is Mrs. Sue Ridgway. To find out about the Stoke-on-Trent Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities please visit We hope this situation would never arise as we believe in an open door policy and for parents to talk daily to staff and for us to work together. However the school does have a Compliments, Comments and Complaints Procedure policy, that is on our website under policies with the procedures to follow. What other support Is available to parents and how can I contact them?