Dyslexia Tuition at Dyslexia Association of Staffordshire

Tuition with qualified dyslexia tutors.


  • 1:1 tuition for dyslexia £30 /hour. A bespoke programme to suit the learner's individual needs and difficulties working with a qualified dyslexia tutor.
  • or small group sessions in our Heads Up Programme (max 6 per group) £15/hour. Includes work with a trained dyslexia tutor, t/a and computer based learning. 

Adult 1:1 and small group tuition - please telephone/email for current availability and cost.

Maths tuition 1:1 tuition for all ages - please telephone/email for current availability.

Maths and ICT skills - please telephone/email.  

Contact name Louise Davies
Contact position Manager
Contact telephone 01782 869791
Contact email das@dyslexiastaffordshire.co.uk
Venue name Dyslexia Association of Staffordshire
Venue address Studio 9, St James House,
Webberley Lane,
Stoke on Trent
Venue notes

We are situated within the St James House Enterprise Centre across the A50 from Longton Library. 

Date By arrangement
Time of day MorningEveningAfternoon
Session information
where possible to fit with educational/work commitments after school etc.

1:1 and small group places available.

Please telephone or email to discuss requirements and suitability.  

Website http://www.dyslexiastaffordshire.co.uk