Sutherland Primary Academy - Organisations

OFSTED rating

Sutherland Primary Academy is an inclusive mainstream primary school in Blurton, Stoke on Trent. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum to all children who attend our school, whatever their ability. We want every child to develop a love of learning and to achieve their full potential, ensuring talents and achievements are recognised whatever they may be.

Contact name Mrs S Nadin
Contact position Inclusion Leader/SENCO
Contact telephone 01782 594133
Contact email
Venue name Sutherland Primary Academy
Beaconsfield Drive
Stoke on Trent
Venue notes

Link to Sutherland Primary Academy website for further information and to view the SEN Information Report.        


School's extended local offer response

What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?

We are a mainstream primary school which accommodates all areas of SEND in line with the Equality Act 2010 and provision is available for all 4 areas of need outlined in the 2014 SEND Code of Practice. These areas are; Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties and Sensory and/or Physical difficulties.

How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

Sutherland has a programme of continual assessment and the progress of all pupils is monitored regularly by class teachers and the senior leadership team, so that when a child is not making expected progress the school can quickly identify the need for additional support. This will then be discussed with parents/carers and the pupil. The SEN coordinator will be informed and will discuss possible strategies and additional support with the class teacher. Children who have been identified as having SEN before joining the school will continue to have additional support at Sutherland. We will liaise with previous schools.

If parents/carers have concerns about the progress or attainment of their child they should arrange to speak to the class teacher. The class teacher will liaise with the SENCo to decide how best these concerns can be addressed. Further meetings may be arranged to see if any changes have taken place or if further support is needed.

How will the setting support my child/young person?

We provide quality first teaching to support all children within the classroom but, where necessary, extra support may be provided in a small group or one to one basis.
Our school provision map shows the range of interventions in place to support pupils when a need has been identified. The teacher or a teaching assistant will work with children to deliver the programme of support. The SENCo will oversee the programme and their role will involve helping to plan resources, timetabling support and liaising with any other professionals working with the child.
The progress of children receiving additional support will be monitored to ensure that the programme of support is having the impact we are expecting.
We have an Inclusion Trustee who is responsible for overseeing the SEN policy and who is aware of current provision in the school. This trustee is Mr I Macdonald.

How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?

All teachers are provided with information on the needs of individual pupils so that a plan of support can be drawn up that will enable children to access the curriculum within the classroom.
Appropriate scaffolding is provided to match the needs of the pupils in the class. Teachers’ planning will show how different approaches may be used to enable all pupils to participate. This is monitored through planning trawls and lesson observations.
Curriculum leaders will also liaise with class teachers to ensure full access to the curriculum.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?

The teachers continually gather and monitor evidence about how each child is doing and what progress they are making against age related expectations.

Senior Leaders also monitor the progress of children across the school and hold regular pupil progress meetings with teachers to discuss the progress of individual children.

The SENCo monitors the progress of children who are receiving additional support or interventions and has regular meetings with class teachers.

Parents are informed about their child’s progress at regular Parents’ Evenings and are provided with an annual report. More frequent meetings are held if there are particular concerns about a child’s progress.

Parents are encouraged to keep in touch with class teachers and are welcome to make arrangements to meet them or the SENCo at any time.

Each child’s Pupil Passport termly Plan will identify ways in which parents can work with school to support their child.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?

The staff at Sutherland Primary Academy put the wellbeing of our children at the forefront of their education. Everyone works in partnership to maximise the life chances for all pupils and we promote a positive ethos to celebrate achievements in all aspects of school life. All children are supported in their social and emotional development through curricula and extra-curricular activities. We work hard to ensure that our pupils feel safe in school. The school offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils. 

If staff are concerned about the wellbeing of a child, they will discuss this with the mental health wellbeing lead or other members of the Inclusion team. Where appropriate, this will then be discussed with parents and a plan of support implemented.

Where needed, meetings are held with school nurse and parents/carers of children with medical issues, to establish the child’s needs and to devise a care plan. With permission from parents/carers, important medical information concerning the child’s condition and medication is circulated to all relevant staff.

The school has a number of fully trained paediatric first aiders and has a policy for administering prescribed medicines safely.

Regarding behaviour, the school employs a graduated response with parents being involved at every stage. There is consistent management of behaviour throughout the school. Our Inclusion Team supports individual children who may be experiencing emotional or behavioural barriers to learning. Further support and advice may be sought from the Inclusion Service and Educational Psychologist.

The school will initiate ‘first day contact’ when a child is absent to ensure that absences are genuine. We work closely with the Education Welfare Officer to address any problems with attendance.

Families can be supported through the Early Help framework, and we can meet regularly with you to assist in any problems.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

The school has access to a number of services and organisations including:

  • Inclusion and Learning Services
  • Educational Psychology
  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Educational Welfare Service
  • Social Care
  • School nursing and health visitor team
  • Occupational Therapy services
  • Family Support

Sutherland also has an Inclusion Team to support families.

What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?

Training for the staff is ongoing.

Staff have received training in Attachment and Trauma and in the New Special Needs Code of Practice. The SENCo attends the termly SENCo forum when able and other conferences and courses to keep up to date with current practice. She has obtained the National Award for SEN Coordination.

Teachers and Teaching Assistants are regularly involved in training to help them support children with SEND. This includes training in the delivery of targeted interventions. We use a variety of organisations to deliver training including the Local Authority.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

We attempt to include all children in all activities in line with our risk assessments.  We make every effort to provide support and care for pupils on school trips and make any special arrangements that might be necessary for their inclusion, such as additional staffing.
Trained first aiders accompany classes on visits and are able to administer prescribed medicines where necessary.

How accessible is the environment?

The school has a lift to allow access to the first floor.
There are accessible toilets on both floors of the school.
All classrooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards and wi-fi. We review accessibility through our ongoing Accessibility Plan.

How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?

All parents are offered a home visit when a child joins Foundation Stage 1. Staff from school will also visit nurseries and pre-school settings to meet the children and staff who have been working with them. There are also links with the Child Development Centre, Early Years Forum, Health Visitor and School Nursing team. Children are invited to Play and Stay sessions in the summer term before they join the school. Information meetings are also held for parents during the summer term.

Foundation Stage 2 teachers invite parents in for one to one transition meetings in addition to play and stay sessions during the summer term.

The School runs a Parent and Toddler group on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, for pre-school children.

Close links and good communication with local high schools enable us to make effective transition arrangements. Where possible, high school staff attend review meetings and visit children. Visits to high schools can also be arranged for pupils and extra transition sessions can be offered to support children with special educational needs.

How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

All schools are provided with funding to support those with additional needs. Our school’s budget funds any additional day to day resources and provision, and those targeted at specific groups such as the pupil premium. Additional funding will be allocated if the assessment of a child’s needs identifies that a child needs an education, health, care plan.

We provide support, equipment and facilities to support pupils with SEND through:

  • In class support from teachers or teaching assistants;
  • Small group support from teachers or teaching assistants;
  • SENCo support for teachers and teaching assistants;
  • Specialist support from teachers or teaching assistants e.g. 1:1 or small group interventions;
  • Support bought in from external agencies;
  • Learning aids and resources
  • Purchase of resources for programme delivery for specific needs
  • Continuing Professional Development/training relating to SEND for all education staff.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

When class teachers have concerns about a child, they will discuss these concerns with parents/carers and the SENCo. Progress data and the results of standardised tests may be used to decide which areas of learning need to be targeted.
If additional support is required, this is planned for in the school provision map. Each child on the SEN register has a termly Pupil Passport with specific targets. These are shared with parents.
All interventions are monitored for impact and outcomes.

How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?

Children are involved in self-assessment against differentiated targets set by teachers. They respond to marking and are given opportunities to discuss their work with their teacher.

Children who are on the SEN Register are involved in reviewing and setting targets for their Pupil Passport each term with their teacher. They have the opportunity to discuss what they feel they are good at and which areas they need support in.

Pupil Passports are made available to all adults working with specific children. Pupils can be invited to review meetings with parents if they wish.

How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?

Parents are informed as soon as the teacher feels there are any grounds for concern and discussions are held to decide what action may be needed. If the decision is made to add the child to the register of Special Educational Needs, parents will be invited to contribute to a Pupil Passport which will set short term targets for the pupil. Parents are invited to discuss and review the targets with the class teacher and/or SENCo. Parents are also invited to consultation meetings with staff during the Autumn and Spring terms.

Parents are welcome to contact the class teacher or SENCo at any time to discuss concerns regarding their child.

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

We work in partnership with parents to support each child’s needs.
Parents are welcome to make an appointment with their child's teacher to get feedback at any time. Parents are regularly invited into school for various activities, as well as termly Parents’ Evenings and half termly SEN coffee mornings.

Who can I contact for further information?

In the first instance parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s class teacher. When appropriate the SENCo may also be involved. If further action or discussion is necessary further meetings can be arranged. The SENCo is Mrs Nadin who can be contacted through the school office Monday to Thursday.  
Our Inclusion Department staff may also have a role in your child’s education and you can arrange to talk to them about concerns. 

Our Inclusion Team:

  • Mrs S Nadin, Inclusion Leader and SENCo (Monday -Thursdays)
  • Mr Ciaran Redmond, Deputy Head (Designated Safeguarding Leader, Whole Academy Pastoral Care Leader),
  • Mrs N Hodkinson, Academy and Community Liaison Officer (Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays)
  • Miss K Edwards, Inclusion Support Manager, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
  • Mrs N Bailey, Inclusion Support Manager, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer (Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays)
  • Miss H Carter, Pupil Wellbeing Support Officer
  • Mrs R Yates, Inclusion Support Manager (Wednesdays and Thursdays)

What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

The full Complaints Policy can be found on the school website at

What other support Is available to parents and how can I contact them?

The Inclusion team can signpost parents to other agencies. These include:

Send Information Advice and Support Service SENDIASS:

Tel:(01782) 234701 or 234847 


Stoke-on-Trent Safeguarding Children Board

Tel: (01782) 235100



Special Educational Needs Assessment and Monitoring Service (SENMAS)  

Tel: (01782) 232740 or email: