Etruscan Primary School - Organisations

OFSTED rating

Etruscan Primary School strives to provide an inclusive education for all children who attend the school.  Etruscan Primary School is a mainstream school which also provides education for children with special education needs and disabilities.  Every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN). 

Etruscan Primary School is a larger than average primary school with a high percentage of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds and pupils who have a first language that is not English.


Contact name Mrs S Clarke
Contact position Head Teacher
Contact telephone 01782 23571101782 235711
Contact email
Venue name Etruscan Primary School
Venue address Dundee Road
Stoke on Trent
Time of day 8.45 - 2.45

We have the Dyslexia Friendly Schools Award for Stoke on Trent. 

School's extended local offer response

What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?

The school accommodates all SEND in line with the Equality Act 2010 and provision is available for all areas of need outlined in the 2014 SEND Code of Practice.

The Special Educational Needs  ‘Code of Practice’ (2014) states that there are four main areas of need. These areas are as follows: 

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and/or physical. 

The school provides for a range of needs within these areas. Some pupils may have needs in more than one area and needs can change over time.

How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

We know children need extra help if:

  • Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers or the pupil.
  • Limited progress is being made.
  • There is a change in the pupil’s behaviour or progress.

What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?

  • Speak to my child’s class teacher as an initial contact to share my concerns
  • Speak to Mrs Fox, the school Inclusion Leader to discuss these concerns.

How will the setting support my child/young person?

Each child’s personal education programme will be planned by the class teacher. It will be differentiated according to individual needs. This may include extra support by the class teacher or support staff. The class teacher will share information with parents to inform them of the interventions and progress.

If a child has needs that are related to more specific areas of their education, then the pupil will be placed in a small focus group and will participate in a planned intervention specific to their need. The length of the intervention will vary but will usually last for a term. The interventions will be reviewed regularly to ascertain the effectiveness of the intervention and to inform future planning. 

Children’s  targets and provision will be discussed and are set for the following half term.  At times more expert advice is needed from outside agencies to support the needs of individual children. If this is the case, this will be discussed with you and with your consent a referral will be made or a Code of Practice Meeting booked to discuss your child's need . After assessment has been undertaken, advice is usually given to parents by the agencies involved.

How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?

When a child has been identified with special educational needs, the class teacher will adapt work to enable to child to access the curriculum more easily.

Teaching assistants (TAs) or Inclusion Support staff may be allocated to an individual child or small group to target more specific needs.

Appropriate specialist equipment may be given to support your child such as pencil grips or easy to use scissors.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?

You will be able to discuss your child’s progress during parents evenings (pupil progress) with your child’s class teacher. These take place in the autumn and spring term. In the summer term an annual report will be given to you

Your class teacher will be available to speak to at the end of each school day if you wish to raise a concern. If you would like to talk in more detail or in a quieter place, an appointment can be made to speak to your child’s class teacher or the Inclusion leader. These can be arranged at the school office.

Pupil progress meetings  will be held every term between the class teacher and the Senior Leadership team. During these meetings pupil progress is discussed, teachers are challenged and further support is planned. SEN review meetings are held every  term with the Inclusion Leader and the Class Teacher.

How will you help me support my child’s learning?

  • Your child’s class teacher may suggest ways in which you can support your child’s needs,
  • Mrs Fox or a member of the Senior Leadership team may meet with you to discuss strategies if you are having difficulties with your child’s emotional or social needs.
  • If outside agencies are involved then they may provide you with advice and guidance about how to support your child at home.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?

The school offers a wide range of pastoral support for children who are experiencing emotional difficulties. These include:

  • Members of staff such as the class teacher, support staff, Mrs Cox (our Home School Link Worker), Mrs Fox (Inclusion Leader) and our senior leadership team are available. to discuss any concerns. Mrs Fox is the Mental Health Lead for the school assisted by Mrs Sprosan Mc Cleary
  • We have a Learning Mentors, Mrs Foulkes, who support children with emotional difficulties.
  • IT club and library passes are available during lunchtimes for children who prefer a quieter lunch break.

Staff have received basic mental health training. A number of staff have also studied Level 2 Certificate in Children's mental health with the Skills Network. Mrs Fox has completed the Senior Mental Health Lead Training. Mrs Foulkes has completed a Level 2 in Counselling skills.

 Pupils with medical needs

  • If a pupil has a medical need than a detailed Medical Care Plan is compiled with the support of the school nurse in consultation with parents/carers. These are discussed with all staff who are involved with the pupils.
  • Staff receive epipen training and any other relevant training delivered by the school nurse or specialist nurses.
  • All staff have basic first aid training (Emergency first aid).
  • We have a number of fully qualified first aiders who have completed the Paediatric First Aid or First Aid at School training delivered by St John Ambulance.
  • Where necessary and in agreement with parents/carers medicines are administered in school but only where a signed medicine consent form is in place when the medicine is in the original packaging with a prescription sticker attached with the child’s name. Parents are welcome to come to school to administer medicine to their child during the school day.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

  • Stoke on Trent College
  • Staffordshire University
  • SEND Inclusion Services
  • Educational Psychology 
  • Behaviour Support Team 
  • Children’s Services 
  • School Nurse 
  • Speech and Language Therapists 
  • Schools Counsellor 
  • Integrated Family Intervention Service 
  • Occupational Therapist 
  • Outreach Special School Services 
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist 
  • Community Paediatricians 
  • CAMHS 
  • Stoke Speaks Out
  • Family Learning 
  • Potteries Museum and Art Gallery 
  • Hanley Library 
  • Parent partnership 
  • Virtual school (LAC) 
  • Staffordshire police 
  • Hanley Community Fire Station 
  • Citizen’s Advice Bureau 
  • Young Carers 
  • Speech and Language Resource Centre - based at Etruscan Primary School
  • Special School Outreach.

What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?

Different members of staff have received training related to SEND. All staff have recently had training in Quality First Teaching. Others include:

  • How to support pupils on the autistic spectrum.
  • How to support pupils with social and emotional needs.
  • How to support pupils with speech and language difficulties.
  • How to support pupils with cognitive difficulties.
  • How to support pupils with physical and co-ordination needs.
  • Supporting children with dyslexia.
  • Supporting children with emotional and mental needs.

Staff  have received training on Wave 3 Interventions including precision teaching, Better Reading Partnership, pre-teaching vocabulary, Talking Partners, Comic Strip conversations and Inference.

Staff have received basic mental health training. A number of staff are also studying for Level 2 Certificate in Children's mental health with the Skills Network   March 19).

Staff working with pupils who have specific learning barriers receive training and support from specialist services to ensure that the pupils they are support have quality provision.

Mrs Fox has gained the statutory qualification ‘National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination’.

The school has been awarded  the Dyslexia Friendly Schools Award Stoke.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

Activities and school trips are available to all pupils.

  • Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable children to participate.
  • Alternative transport is arranged to transport pupils with disabilities if safety regulations do not meet individual needs on school transport. On these occasion parents are involved in these arrangements and will be required to give consent
  • Lift to access upstairs classrooms. Evacuation chair for use in case of a fire.
  • Individual risk assessments and 1:1 support is provided for children who require additional support on school trips. These arrangements are shared with parents/carers prior to school trips.

How accessible is the environment?

  • 2 toilets adapted for disabled users.
  • Ramps to make the building accessible. 
  • Wide doors in some areas of the school. 
  • Specialist equipment is provided for pupils with disabilities under the advice of specialist support services. 
  • Lift to access upstairs classrooms.
  • Fire evacuation chair.

How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?

Many strategies are in place to enable the pupil’s transition is as smooth as possible and that all relevant information is shared between the settings. These include:

  • Visits to schools are made with parents and SENCO where possible.
  • Discussion between previous/ receiving schools prior to the pupil joining/leaving Etruscan Primary School.
  • Transition sessions are arranged where possible.
  • Additional visits are arranged for children who need extra time in their new school. This is usually planned by the SENCOs of both schools.
  • Mrs Fox will meet with the parents of the children who are transferring schools if appropriate.
  • Mrs Fox will liaise with the SENCO of the transferring school.
  • Where a pupil has specialist needs a meeting will be arranged for the parents, both settings and other relevant personnel working with the children.

How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

  • The SEN budget is allocated each financial year. The money is used to provide additional support or resources dependent on the individual’s needs. 
  • Children who are allocated with high-dependency top-up funding will usually have this resourced as an SEN support assistant. This will be reviewed to ensure that the children are making the progress.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

These decisions are made in consultation with class teacher and Senior Leadership Team. Decisions are based upon tracking of pupil progress and as a result of assessments by outside agencies.

  • Interventions will be planned to meet the needs of individual pupils.
  • SEN Review meetings are held every  term with the Inclusion leader Mrs Fox and the class teacher to review interventions and support.

How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?

We really value pupil voice at Etruscan and strive to ensure that children are involved  in their learning and what they need to work on next. 

Children on the SEN register are asked to contribute to their Pupil Passport and say what they find difficult, what they would like us to know and how we can help them. Interventions are then planned taking all of these factors into consideration. Pupil passorts are reviewed at least once a term and usually half termly. Pupil interviews / questionnaires are also carried out  by the Inclusion Team to gain pupils views. A Learning mentors is available to support children with any emotional

How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?

At Etruscan we really value the contribution our parents make and we strive to work in paterniship with parents in order to maximise their chil's learning and enjoyment at school.

Parents will be shown a copy of their children's Pupil Passport and this will be amended in line with parents views if  necessary. Parents will be provided with a copy of the Pupil Passport. Parents are invited to come in for Parents evening, usually termly and a meeting with Mrs Fox can also be made upon request. Parents will be invited in to school for 6 monthly or yearly reviews if the child has an  EHCP. Parents are invited in to meet with outside professionals where necessary to share specilaist knowledge and support.

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

Parents will be invited to discuss the progress of the child every term. At any time parents are able to make appointments to speak to the class teacher or Mrs Fox. 

Pupil passports are completed with parental contributions and these will be reviewed and updated termly. 

Pupils who have an  Educational Health Care Plan (from September 2014) will be invited to contribute to and attend an annual review of progress and provision.

What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

If a complaint is made, this should be made initially to the class teacher.  If a satisfactory outcome is not achieved then this should then be made to the Head Teacher. If a resolution is still not achieved then the complaint should be made to the chair of the Governing Body. The school has a complaints policy which is available from the school office and on the school’s website.

What other support Is available to parents and how can I contact them?

SEND Information, advice and Support Services is a service  which  provides free, accurate, impartial, confidential, information, advice and support relating to special educational needs and disability (SEND) for parents/carers, children and young people 0-25 yrs.

SENDIASS - SEND Information, Advice & Support Service

Telephone - 01782 234701

Website  -

The Crescent Childrens Centre

Pinewood Crescent


ST3 6HZ 

Tel: 01782 234701 / 01782 234847

Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Children Board