Children's Palliative and Complex Care Team (Community Nursing)

We care for children and young people with palliative and or complex health care conditions in the community.

We do this by doing nursing care, teaching families and carers to do the care, supporting and advising in the management of the conditions symptoms. This is done by working with Doctors, therapists, social care and education.

For children and young people with additional needs we have a clinical psychologist and small respite service.



Contact name Sean Bowers
Contact position Team Leader
Contact telephone 01782 306033
Contact email
Contact notes

Venue name Hazel Trees Children's Centre
Duke Street
Venue notes
Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Date MorningAfternoon
Time of day Appointments are negotiated with the families
Referral type

Referal to the service must be made by health care professional. In the first instance please call to discuss the referal. If appropriate then a referal form will be sent.