Jackfield Infants School - Organisations

OFSTED rating

At Jackfield our aim is to provide the best education for every child in our school. We have the highest expectations of both behaviour and attendance and our excellent teaching and well ordered purposeful, learning environment ensures pupils achieve well.

We take pride in our happy, welcoming and secure environment in which our children develop confidence, good learning attitudes and high aspirations for personal achievement. Our school is full of children who are thoughtful, respectful and caring towards each other and others in school.

We work hard to nurture a child’s personal development, social and emotional skills. Careful planning of imaginative and inspirational teaching inspire our children to succeed.

Contact name Julie Wood
Contact position SENCo
Contact telephone 01782 234450
Contact email office@jackfieldinfant.org.uk
Venue name Jackfield Infant School
Jackfield Street
Stoke on Trent
Date Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm
Session information
Term-time only
Website http://www.jackfield.stoke.sch.uk
School's extended local offer response

What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?

Jackfield Infant School accommodates all SEND in line with Equality Act 2010 and provision is available for all four areas of need outlined in the 2014 (updated 2015) SEND code of practice.

Communication and Interaction

  • ASD
  • Speech and Language Disorders.

Cognition and Learning

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • MLD
  • Global Development Delay.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

  • ADHD
  • Attachment Disorders
  • Emotional Difficulties
  • Mental Health Difficulties.

Physical and Sensory

  • Including hearing and sight impairments
  • Medical Needs.

How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

We know when pupils need help if:  

  • Concerns are raised by parents, carers, teachers, or the pupil’s previous school
  • Tracking of attainment outcomes indicates a lack of progress
  • Pupil observation indicates that they have additional needs in one of the four areas below:
  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health
  • Sensory/physical 
  • A pupil asks for help  

If your child is then identified as not making progress the school will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail and to: 

  • listen to any concerns you may have
  • plan any additional support your child may receive
  • discuss with you any referrals to outside professionals to support your child’s learning.

 If you have concerns then please firstly discuss these with your child’s teacher.   

  • This then may result in a referral to the SENDCo: Mrs J Wood
  • You may wish to also speak to the Head Teacher: Mrs R Davies.

All parents will be listened to. Parent views and their aspirations for their child will be central to the assessment and provision that is provided by the school.

How will the setting support my child/young person?

  • All pupils will be provided with high quality teaching (Quality First Teaching) that is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of all learners. 
  • Pupils with a disability will be provided with “reasonable adjustments” in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum.
  • The quality of teaching is monitored routinely by our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) through a number of processes. 
  • If there are concerns raised regarding a child’s progress, an individual assessment of the pupil will be undertaken in order to make an accurate assessment of their needs.  
  • Additional action/support to increase the rate of progress will be then identified.
  • If, after additional action/support has been given, a review indicates that further support will be required, parents will be informed that the school considers their child may require SEND support and their partnership will be sought in order to improve attainments.
  • SEND support will be recorded on a plan that will identify a clear set of measurable, expected outcomes. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed termly with the parents and the pupil.
  • If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil.  This will only be undertaken after parent permission has been obtained
  • For a very small percentage of pupils, whose needs are significant and complex and the special educational provision required to meet their needs cannot reasonably be provided from within the school’s own resources, a request will be made to the local authority to conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs.  This may results in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan being provided.

How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?

  • Teachers plan using pupils’ achievement levels, differentiating work to better match ability to work provided for all pupils in the classroom.
  • When a pupil has been identified as having special needs, their work will be further differentiated by the class teacher to remove barriers to learning and enable them to access the curriculum more easily.
  • In addition they will be provided with additional support that may include specialised equipment or resources, ICT and/or additional adult help.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?

  • Attainments towards the identified outcomes will be reviewed regularly and shared with parents through informal and formal meetings, which include Parents' Evenings. 
  • Annual Reports for all pupils will be sent in the Summer term with information about your child’s attainment.
  • Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher as they feel necessary before or after school, or arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time
  • The school website includes links to websites and resources that we have found useful in supporting parents to help their child learn at home. 
  • The class teacher or SENCO may also suggest additional ways of supporting your child’s learning.
  • The school organise a number of parent workshops during the year which aim to provide useful opportunities for parents to learn more about the curriculum that is being offered to their child.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?

  • The school offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils. These include:
  • Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) sits at the heart of our assemblies throughout the week, and is part of our everyday ethos and practise, modelled primarily by the school staff.
  • Staff are trained to have an awareness of emotional needs of individuals and the all staff are trained in attachment and trauma.
  • The school has Healthy School status which evidences the work undertaken within the school to supports pupils’ wellbeing and mental health. 
  • Relevant staff are trained to support medical needs and in some cases all staff receive training. We have a medical policy in place.
  • Pupils’ views are sought through school council and other forums.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

The school has gained a number of awards to show its dedication to pupils with additional needs. The SENCO, Julie Wood, has achieved the post-graduate qualification National Award for SENCO status (NASENCO). 

As a school we have good relationships with our Special Education Needs and Monitoring Assessment Service and many other agencies including:

  • Educational Psychologist
  • Stoke-on-Trent Inclusive Learning Service
  • Specialist Services for Specific needs including Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Speech Language and Communication Needs.
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • EWO
  • School Nurse and Health Visitors
  • Other children’s services.

What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?

  • Our school has catered for the needs of many children with specific learning needs.  These have included Down Syndrome, Global delay, Autism, hearing impairments, visual impairments.  To support these pupils we have addressed training through either training for individuals or for whole school staff.
  • All staff have been trained in Attachment and Trauma, Selective Mutism, New Code of Practice, Autism.
  • All staff have had training about holding constructive conversations.
  • The SENCO, Julie Wood, has achieved NASENCo status (post-graduate qualification). 

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

  • Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate in all school activities.
  • Parents and carers are invited to join in the planning and risk assessment process.
  • Our Inclusion Policy promotes involvement of all of our learners in all aspects of the curriculum including activities outside the classroom.

How accessible is the environment?

  • We have an Accessibility Plan in place and, where feasible, make reasonable adjustments to improve the accessibility of our environment to meet individual needs. Our policy and practice adheres to The Equality Act 2010.
  • We monitor the languages spoken by families in our settings and make use of translation sites and endeavour to arrange for a translator to attend meetings when necessary.

How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?

A number of strategies are in place to enable effective pupil’s transition.  These include:   

  • A planned programme of visits are provided in the summer term for pupils starting in September.  
  • Parent/carers are invited to a meeting at the school and are provided with a range of information to support them in enabling their child to settle into the school routine. The meeting will include any other agencies that are involved with the pupil to ensure the whole picture is shared.    
  • Home visits are carried out for each child entering our school, at any time of the year.
  • If pupils are transferring from another school, the previous school records will be requested immediately and a meeting will be set up with parents to identify and reduce any concerns, if necessary.

Transition to the next school 

  • The transition programme in place for pupils in Y2 provides a number of opportunities for pupils and parents to meet staff in the new school.  These opportunities are further enhanced for pupils with SEND.
  • For pupils transferring to Moorpark, the SENDCos of both schools will meet to discuss all the needs of pupils with SEND in order to ensure a smooth transition.  For pupils transferring to other settings the SENDCo will make contact with the school to which they are transferring.
  • For pupils with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, the feeder school will be invited to the annual review in Y2 or a transitional review will be arranged mid-year. 

How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

The school receives funding to respond to the needs of pupils with SEND from a number of sources:  

  • A proportion of the funds allocated per pupil to the school to provide for their education (the Age Weighted Pupil Unit)
  • The Pupil Premium funding for pupils who meet certain criteria. 
  • In addition, for those pupils with the most complex needs, the school may be allocated Additional Educational Needs funding. 

This funding is then used to provide the equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities through:  

  • In-class support from Teaching Support Assistants
  • Small group support from Teaching Support Assistants
  • Small group or individual support from our Assistant SENDCo
  • Specialist support from Teachers or Learning Support Practitioners e.g. 1:1 tuition
  • Bought in support from external agencies
  • Purchase of resources for programme delivery for specific needs including:
  • Speech, Communication and Literacy: SULP, Early Time to Talk, Time to Talk, Early Talk Boost, Blacksheep Programme, Language Steps, PECs, Better Reading Partnership, Nuffield Speech Programme, Active Literacy.
  • Fine and Gross Motor: Write from the Start, Write Dance, LDA The Seaside and The Jungle Journey, Fizzy Programme, Visual Perception Skills activities, Cool Kids.
  • Numeracy: Talking Maths, Basic Number skills, Number Shark, Plus 1
  • Memory, Organisation and reasoning skills: Think it- Say it, Visual Memory Skills, Auditory Memory Skills, Memory Fix
  • Assessment tools including: Early Literacy Test, BPVS III, Bury Infant Check, Dyslexia Early and Junior Screening Tests, RENFREW, Early Communication Screen, Locke and Beech.
  • CPD relating to SEND for staff.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

  • Quality First Inclusive Practice (Wave 1) is clearly defined in our setting and we expect all staff to deliver this.
  • Should additional (Wave 2 or 3) support be required, this is undertaken after consultation with the pupil, their families and relevant staff. All interventions are monitored for impact and outcomes are defined at the start of any intervention. The SENDCo oversees all additional support and regularly shares updates with the Head Teacher and SEND Governor.

For pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan, this decision will be reached when the plan is being produced or at an annual review. However, if changes to the EHC Plan are needed at any time during the year, an interim review can be arranged. 

How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?

Our children will take part in the review of their targets.  They will talk about what they find easy, what is tricky and what they would like to learn.  Views will be collected in a range of ways.

How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?

Parents' views will be gathered regularly through conversations with staff and dialogue through reading diaries and homework.  Views will be gathered more formally during review of passport targets every 3 months.

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

We work in partnership with parents to support each child/young person’s well-being, learning needs, progress and aspirations. This will be through:  

  • discussions with the class teacher, SENCO or senior leadership team member
  • during parents evenings
  • during IEP reviews.

What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs or you have concerns please contact the following:

  • Your child’s class teacher
  • The SENCO: Mrs J Wood
  • Head Teacher: Mrs R Davies
  • The Executive Headteacher: Mrs K Peters

The Chair of Governors: 

School SEND Governor: 

(via School Office).

What other support Is available to parents and how can I contact them?

SENDIASS 01782 234701 or 01782 234847   www.sendiass-stoke.co.uk/

Safeguarding Board  http://www.safeguardingchildren.stoke.gov.uk