Priory CE Academy - Organisations

OFSTED rating

Priory CE Primary School is a large two form entry primary school situated on the outskirts of the City of Stoke-on-Trent.  It serves a mixed catchment area of Hanford and Trentham. Pupils come from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds. 

The immediate area consists mainly of relatively affluent private housing, especially in Trentham, and local authority housing (mainly Hanford and some pupils from Trent Vale).  The school is Voluntary Controlled Church of England.

From Priory website: 

Our children are very happy and enjoy coming to school because it is a safe and exciting place to be. Behaviour is exemplary and our children take pride in their work and their school.  We are a Rights Respecting school and our children are fully involved in the designing and implementing of our school’s vision. We believe that all children have the right to learn and achieve in a safe, caring environment and that it is everybody’s collective responsibility to respect this right.

We have a distinctive Christian character which can be seen in our values based ethos of love and respect. Priory has close links with the local churches and Reverend Shaun leads weekly worship. Prayer and worship are integral parts of the school day. Our children enjoy opportunities for discussing faith and quiet reflection.

Our staff are fully committed to ensuring all children are well supported and make good progress across the curriculum.  Priory has adopted the ‘Learning Challenge Curriculum’ and we aim to provide creative and inspiring lessons. Staff take into account the ideas and interests of our children so that they are fully engaged and motivated to learn.  We ensure that speaking, listening and thinking skills are at the heart of all we do as we strive to develop confident, independent learners.

We are a rapidly improving school and our expectations are exceptionally high. Our mission is to be the best that we can be in all areas. Our over-arching aim is to ensure that every child’s experience at Priory has a positive and lasting impact on the rest of their lives.

Contact name Emily Woodroffe
Contact position SENCO
Contact telephone 01782 234953
Contact email
Second email
Venue name Priory CE Primary School
Venue address Jubilee Road
Date Monday to Friday from 8:45 - 3:15
Time of day MorningAfternoon
Referral type

Priory CE Primary School offers a full, broad, balanced and relevant differentiated curriculum, where opportunities to be the best that they can be, are provided for all children. We believe that a child with SEND should have their needs identified and an education provided that affords them the opportunity to achieve their personal potential. We ensure that all staff working with children value and respect the diversity within our school and community. We are proud of our stimulating and inclusive environment, where we aim to provide every child with access to a quality education. This includes the statutory aims of the National Curriculum (2014) and the SEND Code of Practice (2014). We firmly believe that we are the educators of all children in our care, including those who are identified as having Special Educational Needs, and that through our quality first teaching and effective differentiation, all the children in our school will be able to access and enjoy the curriculum that we provide.

School's extended local offer response

What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?

A child has special educational needs if he or she has difficulties with learning which require support that is different from and additional to that provided through quality first teaching.

 A child has learning difficulties if he or she:

  • Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than most children of the same age
  • Has a disability which either prevents or hinders the child from making use of educational facilities of a kind provided for children of the same age in school
  • Is under compulsory school age within the above definitions or, if special educational provision was not made for the child, would fall into the above definitions
  • Have social, emotional or mental health difficulties that act as a barrier to learning at the same rate as most children of the same age

Special educational provision is matched to the child’s identified SEND. Children’s SEND are generally thought of in the following four broad areas of need and support:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and /or Physical needs

How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

We know when pupils need help if :

  • Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers or the child
  • Limited progress is being made against starting points
  • There is a marked change in the pupil’s behaviour or progress

If you think your child may have Special Needs the class teacher is the initial point of contact for responding to parental concerns. Further to this an appointment can be made with Mrs Washington who is the SENCO (Special Needs Co-ordinator).

How will the setting support my child/young person?

Our approach is totally inclusive – pupils are provided with additional support to ensure that they can access the curriculum that is being delivered in the classroom through a wide range of reasonable adjustments.

Class support is characterised by interventions and actions that are different or additional to the normal differentiated curriculum. Class support intervention can be triggered through concern, supplemented by evidence and despite receiving differentiated teaching pupils continue to:

  • Make little or no progress, this despite targeted teaching of weakness
  • Demonstrate difficulty in developing literacy or numeracy skills
  • Show persistent social, emotional or mental health difficulties which are not affected by behaviour management strategies
  • Have sensory/physical problems and despite the provision of specialist equipment make little progress
  • Experience communication and/or interaction problems and despite experiencing a differentiated curriculum makes little or no progress

School Support is characterised by the involvement of external services or confirmed diagnosis of need. External support services can be consulted to advise on targets for Pupil Passport and providing specialist inputs to the process. School Support intervention can be triggered through concern, supplemented by evidence and despite receiving differentiated teaching and support within the classroom the pupil is still not making satisfactory progress. Triggers may include:

  • Pupil still makes little or no progress in many, or specific areas over a long period
  • Pupil continues to work at expectations considerably lower than for a child of similar age
  • Pupil continues to experience difficulty in developing literacy/numeracy skills
  • Pupil has social, emotional and mental health difficulties, which often substantially impede pupil's own learning or that of the group, this despite having an individualised behaviour management programme
  • Pupil has sensory or physical needs requiring additional specialist equipment or visits/advice from specialists which is impacting on progress
  • Pupil has ongoing communication or interaction problems that impede the development of social relationships, thus presenting barriers to learning

When external support services are approached they will require access to pupil's records in order to understand the strategies employed to date and targets set and achieved. The external specialist could provide specialist assessments and advice and possibly work directly with the pupil. The Pupil Passport that follows will, by necessity, incorporate specialist strategies whilst continuing to be implemented by the class teacher.

How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?

A range of reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that all pupils have an inclusive learning experience (see the Accessibility Plan for further detail), they include but are not limited to:

  • Back tracking for success – adapted learning objectives to ensure that all pupils can access learning
  • Additional concrete resources to support learning e.g. Numicon
  • Attachment awareness
  • Dyslexia friendly approach
  • SUCCESS approach for bespoke behaviour support
  • Therapeutic behaviour support
  • ASD strategies embedded in daily practice
  • Reduced language interactions
  • Visual timetables (First, next, then..)
  • Writing slopes
  • A hearing loop
  • Enlarged resources/books to support pupils with VI
  • A chairlift and ramps to provide access to the building
  • Disabled parking space.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?

Parents have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education and their views will always be sought. The knowledge and experience they have of their child will be used to support him/her. By working in partnership with the parents we can ensure that the child’s voice is heard in all that we do in school to support them. If a child needs additional support, then an Initial SEND consultation will take place to gather the child’s history and to give everyone a chance to voice any concerns that they may have – a plan for provision will be agreed by all parties in the meeting.

Parents will be informed at the start of any SEND procedure/provision and of any changes or amendments. They will meet regularly with school staff and outside agencies involved, working in partnership with them to address the needs of their child.

  • Parents are able to discuss any concerns about their child with the Inclusion Hub and class teacher informally or by appointment
  • Parents have the right to choose which school they wish their child to attend
  • Parents have a right of appeal against decisions made by the LA regarding their child’s educational provision
  • Parents will be informed and invited to attend relevant training.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?

Our Inclusion Hub supports SEND learners’ social and emotional development. A collaborative and holistic approach ensures that learners’ well-being is supported as much as their academic skills. As an Trauma sensitive school; emotional literacy, emotion coaching and bespoke therapeutic behaviour support are at the heart of our practice. Inclusion Assistants provide rigorously monitored evidence-based interventions to support learners in their main area of need. Inclusion Leads work closely with families and a range of agencies to provide SEMH support for pupils and parents through 1:1 coaching sessions, peer support, health and well-being events.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

At Priory CE Primary, we collaborate with a wide range of agencies to ensure the best possible support for learners:

    • Private EP
    • Speech and Language NHS
    • Speech and Language Private
    • Speech and Language outreach
    • SEMH Outreach from Cicely Haughton
    • Occupational Therapy NHS
    • Occupational Therapy NHS
    • SEND – Ceri Reed
    • CAMHs
    • Caudwell Children’s

This is facilitated by the Inclusion Hub.

What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?

Our Inclusion Hub includes 10 members of staff with wide range of skills including, but not limited to:

  • Summer 21 Development Trauma for professionals x2 day course with Beacon House – Inclusion Team + Teacher 3 SEND champion

    Summer 21 SEND Diploma (New Skills Academy) and Understanding Dyslexia (Open University) - Teacher 2 SEND Champion

    13th September – Support Staff – auditing training needs for the coming year

    1st November – Support Staff - Emotional Regulation – Beacon House training part 1

    22nd November – All staff – Becoming a trauma informed organisation – the importance of relationships

    17th January – Support Staff - Emotional Regulation – Beacon House training part 2

    24th January – Teachers – Becoming a trauma informed organisation - Emotional Regulation

    28th February – Support Staff – Emotional Regulation part 3

    9th May - Support Staff – Emotional Regulation part 4

    13th June Support Staff – Planning CPD for 22/23

    Behaviour regulation working group – 2 meetings plus consultation over the course of the Spring and Summer term

    EY NASENCO award, delivered through Stoke OA – achieve by EY Lead – April 22

    Autism Advocate – achieved by assistant SENCO, delivered by Stoke SEND Autism specialist – May 22

    Managing challenging behaviour, delivered by Stoke SEND – ECT April 22 

    5th September – Inset – behaviour regulation policy – all staff

    22nd September - Dyslexia Friendly Schools – Stoke SEND – Senior Inclusion Lead and KS2 Deputy SENCO

    3rd November - Supporting EAL pupils in the classroom, Stoke SEND– for 1 teacher and 1 learning assistant

    24th November Supporting Autistic pupils in the classroom, Stoke SEND  – for 1 teacher and 1 Learning Assistant

    NPQBC for one teacher

    Supporting the mental health of young people – Level 3 (provided by DfE) – EY/KS1

    Behaviour regulation coaching with JC – all teachers, over the course of the year

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

Activities and school trips are available to all.

  • Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate.
  • However, if it is deemed that an intensive level of 1:1 support is required a parent or carer may be asked to accompany their child during the activity.

How accessible is the environment?

  • Our Accessibility Plan is robust and we continually remind staff and learners about the Equality Act 2010. We value and respect diversity in our setting and do our very best to meet the needs of all our learners.
  • All areas of the school are accessible by a wheelchair. Ramps are provided near stepped areas and disabled parking bays are available in the staff car park.
  • Risk assessments are carried out if a child has specific needs.
  • We have 3 stair lifts in place and ramps for ease of access.
  • Accessible toilet facilities are available both by the main reception and at the Key Stage One entrance.
  • If there is a language spoken that we don’t have any support in school for, we make use of Google Translate and will request a translator through the local authority service.
  • If you have specific access queries or concerns please speak with us.

How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?

Many strategies are in place to enable the pupil's transition to be as smooth as possible. These include:

  • We encourage all new children to visit the school prior to starting.
  • We hold “Welcome meetings” with all parents of children with SEND.
  • We can create ‘social stories’ with/for the children if transition is likely to prove challenging and seek advice from specialist outreach services.
  • Discussions between the previous or receiving schools prior to the pupil joining/leaving.
  • All pupils attending Transition sessions where they spend some time with their new class teacher. The amount of session arranged will depend on the specific needs of the pupil.
  • The Inclusion Hub and new class teachers are always willing to meet parents/carers prior to their child joining the school.
  • Secondary school staff visit pupils prior to them joining their new school and close links with SEN departments of these schools are actively promoted to ensure transition is as smooth as possible.
  • The Inclusion Hub liaise with the SENCOs from the secondary schools to ensure that all relevant information is passed on regarding SEN pupils.
  • Where a pupil may have more specialised needs, a separate meeting may be arranged with The Inclusion Hub, the secondary school SENCO, the parents/carers and where appropriate the pupil.
  • Additional visits may also be arranged for pupils who need extra time in their new school.

How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

The SEN budget is allocated each financial year. The money is used to provide additional support or resources dependant on an individual's needs.

  • The additional provision may be allocated after discussion with the class teacher at pupil progress meetings or if a concern has been raised by them at another time during the year.
  • Resources may include deployment of staff depending on individual circumstances.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

  • Close monitoring of your child’s progress and learning needs will take place over a 6-week period.
  • Pupil progress meetings take place every term and for children where progress is a cause for concern, there will follow one or more of the following actions: 
  1. Consultation with the class teacher, and the SEN team.
  2. Discussion with parents/carers
  3. Standardised testing (to identify specific learning needs).
  4. Advice from outside agencies (where appropriate).
  5. Classroom observations.
  6. Tailored programme of support to meet your child’s needs.

How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?

Pupils are involved in reviewing their targets on their Pupil Passport and are consulted on what helps them to learn on a day to day basis as well as for specific reviews.

Pupils are consulted and asked for their views as part of the Annual Review process if they have an EHCP. These responses are recorded in a written format and kept on record.

Pupils contribute ideas and say what they would like to find out about when planning the learning of a new topic in their class.

How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?

This may be through:

  • Discussions with the class teacher.
  • Termly reviews which are discussed at parents' evenings.
  • Comments in home /school diaries and planners
  • During discussions/meetings with SENCO, Home-School Link worker or other professionals.
  • School questionnaires
  • Pupil Passport Review meetings
  • Annual Review meetings for EHCP's.

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

Parents/carers are positively are encouraged to contribute to their child's education. This may be through:

  • Discussions with the class teacher
  • Discussions at parents’ evenings and reviews
  • Discussions with The Inclusion Hub or other professionals who may be involved
  • Consultation about next steps and targets that will form part of their child’s passport.

What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

At Priory C of E Primary School we encourage parents and others connected with the school to discuss any concerns or complaints with the member of staff giving rise to the concern. We take informal complaints and concerns seriously and staff are eager to resolve concerns swiftly. Complaints can be made in person, by telephone or in writing.   

Our aim is always to maintain an environment where concerns can be settled directly amongst those concerned without the need for formal procedures. We will deal with complaints in a courteous and respectful way and expect that complaints are made in this way.

Complaints can be directed to Mrs. Jennifer Cunliffe is Co Headteacher & the Inclusion Lead: she can be contacted by email on , on the Inclusion Hub line 01782 234953 or via the school office.

Our formal complaints procedure is followed on the rare occasions that all initial attempts to resolve the issue are unsuccessful with the person raising the concern remaining dissatisfied and wishing to take the matter further. Further details of this can be found on our website:

What other support Is available to parents and how can I contact them?

You might also wish to visit the following websites:

  • Contact IPSEA (Independent Parental Special Education Advice)
  • The Stoke-on-Trent Safeguarding Children Board  (Carole Preston-  Safeguarding Board Manager)  Telephone (01782) 235863
  • SENDIASS (Formally Parent partnership) Tel: 01782 234701 / 01782 234847