Inclusive Learning Service - Sensory Team - Organisations

The Sensory Team work with children and families in pre-school, and then continue to provide advice through school and in preparation for adulthood. There is a network of support working with other professionals and family groups.

The Sensory Team provide a range of support, training and advice, to schools and other educational providers and settings. This ensures that children with sensory  impairment have opportunities to achieve their educational goals and acquire the skills they need to gain independence in learning and in life.

The Sensory Team at the Inclusive Learning Service promote high expectations and quality outcomes for children and young people in all settings; contributing to delivering the priorities of the setting, development and improvement plans through the support of parents, pupils, schools and their staff.

Working with the Sensory Team at the Inclusive Learning Service provides settings with access to an excellent team of professionals with a wide range of expertise.

The Sensory Team at the Inclusive Learning Service work with:

  • Families
  • Nurseries
  • Primary Schools
  • Secondary Schools
  • Special Schools
  • Academies
  • Any other settings.

In the first instance, parents should discuss their child's SEND needs with health professionals or the school with a view to gaining advice and guidance from the Sensory Team at the Inclusive Learning Service.

If you have any further queries then contact us by email on

Contact name Richard Morley
Contact position Learning and Support Manager
Contact telephone 01782 232538
Contact email
Contact notes


The Sensory Team send out a newsletter for the families of children and young people supported by our service. If you would like to receive these email, please click here to sign up.

Venue name The Inclusive Learning Service Sensory Team
Venue address Hazel Trees
Duke Street
Stoke on Trent