SOS! SEN - legal advice

SOS!SEN is a small charity dedicated to offering independent, legally based advice on Special Educational Needs to parents and carers. We aim to support and empower people to navigate the legal maze and challenge decisions to get the right education for their child.   

We offer advice on: 

  • getting the right help for your child 
  • dealing with the school or local authority 
  • interpreting official letters 
  • The EHCP process 
  • finding independent expert professional advice 
  • appealing to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.

We offer: 

  • A term time helpline  
  • SEND Walk in advice centres  & walk-in centres 
  • Information sheets on many topics.

Booklets written by our solicitor covering: 

  • Exclusions 
  • Assessment of SEN 
  • EHCPs 
  • Appeals 
  • Webinars both live and recordedcovering a wide range of topics
  • Workshops 
  • 1:1 advice sessions, offered in person or online 
  • Document checking and letter writing services.

Our users say: 

"Thank you for always being at the end of the phone to help. Your advice has been invaluable in making me realise that as a parent I AM NOT powerless. Thank you!" 

Contact telephone 02085 383 731
Contact email
Date Helpline hours Term time only. Monday to Friday, from 9:30-12:30 and 13:00-16:00. Tuesday & Wednesday evening 20:00-22:00.