Sporting Stars Academy, ST2 (ages 14 - 19)

OFSTED rating

We are a fully inclusive school that affords all young people the opportunity to engage in learning, supported by a well-establishedand dedicated staff team that have the prowess to engage, motivate and inspire young people.

We provide a high quality of academic and personal development oportunities which improves the intellectual and emotional well-being of our students and enables them to gain qualifications, enjoy sport and benefit positively from the schools holistic approach to pastoral care.

We offer mainstream, nurture and bespoke education packages with all placements overseen by the Academy's directors, one of whom is a qualified SENDCo.
Placement offers are based upon needs provision requirements and outcomes noted in EHC plans and in addition to this we invite all potential students an informal visit.
Where a student has input from other professionals, we aim to make contact with them to ensure that we have a holistic overview of the individual's wants and needs.

Contact telephone 01782 248248
Contact email
Venue address Field Avenue
Baddeley Green
Stoke on Trent