Haywood Academy - Organisations
OFSTED rating | |
Haywood Academy is a mixed-gender 11 - 16 secondary school, with a sixth form, City College. We cater for all areas of Special Educational Need and we support children and the families with this. |
Contact name | Sarah Hancock |
Contact position | Assistant Principal and SENDCo |
Contact telephone | 01782 853535 |
Contact email | shancock6@clt.haywood.coop |
Second email | nlegg@citylearningtrust.org |
Venue name | Haywood Academy |
Venue address | High Lane |
Burslem | |
Stoke on Trent | |
Staffordshire | |
ST6 7AB | |
Venue notes |
Haywood Academy is fully accessible for learners with a wide range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. |
Date | Monday - Friday |
Time of day | 8.40-3.00 |
Session information |
5 lessons per day, and a tutorial session Term dates can be found here: https://clt.haywood.coop/parents-and-carers/term-dates-2/ |
Website | https://clt.haywood.coop/ |
School's extended local offer response |
What kinds of SEND does the school provide for? Haywood Academy provides support for pupils with a wide range of SEND including: · Cognition and learning difficulties (including specific learning difficulties and moderate learning difficulties) · Social emotional mental health difficulties · Communication and interaction difficulties (including autism) · Speech language communication difficulties · Sensory Difficulties (including visual and hearing impairments) · Physical difficulties · Medical difficulties (including ADHD) How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs? We identify children with special educational needs by gathering information from primary schools, analysing SAT results and carrying out our own base line assessments. Such testing includes reading and spelling assessments, Wide Range Achievement Testing (WRAT 5), British Picture Vocabulary Scale (BPVS) testing (to give a receptive vocabulary age) and a wide range of testing for Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. We also offer dyslexia screening tests, lesson observations and on-going monitoring of academic and social achievement. If you have any concerns about your child you can contact the SENCo, Assistant SENCo, Performance Leader, form tutor or the child’s Learning Support Assistant. These can be contacted via telephone (01782 853535) or email General inquiries info@clt.haywood.coop, or face-to-face a meeting can be arranged. How will the setting support my child/young person? Haywood Academy will support your child by identifying their need and determining intervention needed, keeping you informed and involving you in the decision making progress at all times. Your child will be placed in appropriate academic settings. A pupil passport will be generated following consultation with parents/carers and the young person; this will detail areas of strengths and weakness and identify targets. We use the Provision Map tool which means parents and carers can access the ‘live’ document and provide feedback. The pupil passport will then be distributed to class teachers via Class Charts, to ensure the support given is tailored to your child’s individual needs. The pupil passport will be reviewed with parents/carers and the young person three times a year to ensure we work together to gather as detailed picture as possible which is reflective of the ever changing needs of our pupils. If a SEN need is identified your pupil may be supported in-class by a learning support practitioner, who will along with the class teacher ensure that the curriculum is differentiated so that your child can fully access it and achieve to their full potential. Your child may be identified as requiring a specialist programme. We offer a wide range of interventions to support the development of literacy, numeracy, speech, language, communication needs and Emotional, social, mental health difficulties. All programmes are carefully monitored, baseline testing is gathered at the start and evaluated termly to ensure the intervention is effective and our pupils are progressing. In addition to this, we may refer your pupil for outside agency specialist support if we feel this is necessary. How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs? The Academy ensures that all lessons are differentiated to meet the individual needs of your child. We use ‘adaptive teaching’ to ensure progress in each lesson. The Academy are proud to offer ‘Nurture’ provision across all classes. This includes dedicated Nurture spaces for pupils to access their teaching and learning activities and intervention. Learning Support Assistants within the classroom support and promote independent learning. Ensuring the national curriculum is delivered in an appropriate format which individual pupils can access and understand helps to increase confidence and maintain progress. Specialist equipment can be used in lessons to support individual’s areas of difficulty, including: whiteboards, tilt boards, appropriate font size resources, coloured overlays, specialist handwriting pens and dictaphones. We also offer exam access arrangements to qualifying pupils from Year Seven. |