Stoke-on-Trent Virtual School - Organisations
Stoke-on-Trent Virtual School is committed to:
The Virtual School consists of the Headteacher, Virtual School Co-ordinators, Virtual School Practitioners, a Virtual School Senior Educational Psychologist, a Virtual School Careers and Participation Advisor, a VS Engagement Apprentice, and an admin team, who together focus on improving the attainment and achievements of children in care, previously in care and children with a social worker, improving attendance and reducing the number of exclusions. Who can use the service?0-19-year-old children in care to Stoke-on-Trent and any partner supporting the education of children in care, previously in care, and children with a social worker to Stoke-on-Trent including foster carers, social workers, and designated teachers. Are there any costs?There is no cost. How do I refer?Referrals are usually made through the Personal Education Planning process either by the child’s social worker, foster carer, or designated teacher. What happens after referral?Individual advice and support to ensure progress in education is maintained. Who will we see?A representative from the Virtual School, as required. What happens when I become an adult?Advice and signposting is offered to children in care, previously in care and children with a social worker going onto further or higher education up until the age of 25. Who to contact?For general queries email: For ePEP related queries email: Contact telephone: 01782 237948 Related linksePEP log in: |
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