Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams - Organisations

Contact name Miss M Slater
Contact position SENDCo
Contact telephone 01782 444 650
Contact email
Second email
Venue address Weston Road
Venue notes

For any enquiries, please get in touch with the Academy.

School's extended local offer response

What kind of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are catered for at Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams?

At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, we have high aspirations for all learners and are committed to supporting our SEND learners in order for them to reach their full potential. By knowing every student, we are able to ensure that they are provided with the support they need to succeed.

At the Academy, we follow the Ways of Being Co-op, shared across the Trust:

  • Show you care
  • Be yourself, always
  • Do what matters most
  • Succeed together.

In order to do this, we ensure that all teachers take responsibility for the teaching of SEND students. Every child will take part in a broad and balanced curriculum that meets their needs and we have high aspirations for all of our students.

The SENDCo will take a collaborative approach with you, your child and external agencies in order to provide support.

Provision is available for all 4 broad areas of need, as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice which are:

  • Cognition and learning
  • Communication and interaction
  • Sensory and/or physical needs
  • Social, emotional and mental health.

How does Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams know that a child/young person needs extra help and what do I do if I think my child/young person has special educational needs?

Initially, learners will be identified upon transition through the information gathered via parents/carers and transition meetings with primary schools.

At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, the SENDCo will regularly monitor the progress of students and will work closely with teachers to identify needs early. The SENDCo will inform parents and/or carers if there are any concerns about their child.

The Academy uses a graduated approach to address the needs of its students with SEND which takes the form of a four-part cycle ‘assess, plan, do, review’.

If you think that your child/young person has special educational needs, please contact the SENDCo.

How does Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams assess and identify the needs of their children/young people?

The SENDCo will assess and identify the needs of their children/young people through regular monitoring and observation. In addition, other information is gathered in order to obtain a holistic picture of the child. This includes KS2 data, staff referrals, parent referrals, attendance data, behaviour data and feedback from outside agencies.

Staff have access to a SEND referral form which is used to collate concerns that staff have. This is regularly monitored and reviewed by the SENDCo.

If there are any concerns, the SENDCo will speak with the parents/carers of that child/young person. If a child is identified as needing additional support, targeted interventions may be put in place. In addition, the SENDCo may request additional assessments to be carried out by professionals.

Who are the SENDCo and SEND Governor at Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams?

The SENDCo is Miss M. Slater -

The SEND Governor is TBC.

How do we involve and support parents of children/young people with SEND?

At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, we encourage parents and carers to share their views regularly. Parents/carers of children with SEND are invited to share their views on their child’s pupil passport and at pupil passport reviews.

In addition to this, if your child has an EHCP you will be invited to attend and share your feedback as part of the annual review.

The SENDCo will be present at all parents evening events and you are welcome to share your feedback on these events.

How do we involve children/young people with SEND in shaping their education and future?

At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, we ensure that we put the child at the heart of everything we do. Children with SEND are invited to take part in their pupil passport reviews and share their feedback with us. If they have an EHCP, the child is invited to share their views and voice prior to the annual review meeting.

How do you and I know that your child/young person is making progress and meeting their targets?

The SENDCo tracks a range of data to monitor and evaluate progress. Here at Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, we use the graduated approach of ‘assess, plan, do review’. This is in line with the SEND Code of Practice.

As a parent, you will be invited to pupil passport review meetings. As part of these meetings, we will inform you as to whether your child/young person is making progress towards or is meeting their targets.

In addition, the SENDCo is present at all parents evenings and appointments can be requested.

How will Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams prepare and support my child/young person moving to or from our academy and how do we prepare them to join the next stage of education and life?

Transition information is passed on between different education providers both from KS2 to KS3 and beyond. As part of this, the SENDCo will then identify any children who will need additional support.

Students with an EHCP will have preparation for adulthood conversations as part of their annual reviews in year 9 onwards.

In addition, careers are a key part of our curriculum and all children will receive careers information that is suitable for them.

How will teaching and the curriculum be adapted to meet the needs of my child/young person?

As stated in the SEND Code of Practice, quality first teaching is the first step of intervention for all students, including those with SEND. At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, we have a highly ambitious curriculum taught by staff who are experts in their subjects.

The first step of meeting need is through whole school teaching and learning strategies with a rigorous evidence base e.g. through questioning and modelling.

All teachers are provided with a pupil passport for each child on the SEND register which informs them of any reasonable adjustments that need to be made in order to support a young person.

If a child requires additional support, this may be delivered through targeted interventions.

How is the school environment made accessible?

  • The temporary site has access via a ramp at the front of the building to allow for wheelchair access.
  • There are wheelchair accessible toilets.
  • Each classroom has an adjustable desk that can be moved up and down.
  • There is a disabled parking space in the school car park.
  • All outside space is accessible.

What expertise for supporting children/young people with SEND do our staff have and what training have they received in the last three years?

At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, the SENDCo is a member of the senior leadership team and holds the mandatory qualification for SENDCO’s. In addition, there is also support from the Co-op Academies Trust SEND directors.

At the beginning of the academic year, staff receive information about the needs of the cohort and in particular the needs of the children with an EHCP.

All staff members have regular SEND CPD as part of the CPD programme.

What other experts do we work with to support children/young people with SEND?

At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, we work with a range of external agencies to ensure that our young people have all the support they need. For more information on the range of agencies we work with, please get in touch with the SENDCo.

How do we know that the support provided to children/young people is effective?

The support that young people at Co-op Academy Florence MacWIlliams is regularly reviewed and quality assured to ensure that it is effective. This includes learning walks and book looks, alongside analysing data and obtaining feedback from staff.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips?

We strive to be an extremely inclusive Academy. Trips are accessible to students with SEND and an individual plan can be put together to ensure that the child receives the correct support whilst they are off-site.

If parents have any concerns regarding trips, they are welcome to contact the Academy.

How will Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams support my child/young person’s social and emotional wellbeing?

At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams, we take our pastoral responsibilities extremely seriously. The year group has a pastoral head of year and a tutor who is there to provide guidance and support to the young people.

We also provide the following:

  • A breakfast club which is free for all students
  • Visits from the school nurse
  • PACE sessions

All children with medical conditions have a medical plan drawn up by the parent, child, and the designated member of staff. All medication is stored securely and administered appropriately. All staff are made aware of children’s medical conditions and if any trip is planned, there is always a risk assessment undertaken to ensure any child with a medical need can participate safely.

How do we ensure that all members of our academy community are valued and differences are respected?

We ensure that every member of the Academy community is valued and all differences are respected. All members of the Academy community treat each other with respect.

We have zero tolerance of any bullying or discrimination.

What other support is available to parents and how can I contact them?

For further advice and support please contact:


The Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Board –

You can also view all the support available for parents on the Stoke on Trent Local offer website –