Stoke on Trent Baby Bank - Organisations

Providing clothing, equipment and essentials to families in need in and around Stoke on Trent. This includes nappies, toiletries, feeding supplies, prams, safe sleeping spaces and more. We also provide other services including baby & toddler groups, shoe fitting, feeding support and community events.

Contact name Kirsty Jackson
Contact position Founder & CEO
Contact telephone 07301 638216
Contact email
Second email
Venue notes

Currently on home & children centre drop off - awaiting new premises

Date Monday and Thursday
Time of day 10:30am - 1:30pm
Session information

By appointment only - contact via email, telephone or facebook.

Cost All items are free, but we do ask for a £5 donation towards stock and delivery costs.
Referral required No
Referral type

We accept both professional and self referral - no eligibility requirements necessary.
