Maple Court Academy - Busy Bee's Parent, Baby and Toddler Group (term time only)
Join us every week for in term time our Parent Baby and Toddler group, suitable for 0-5 year olds. Free to attend, no need to book, refreshments provided.
Feel good arts and crafts sessions - painting wildlife homes
WBC - Nature Recovery Workshop & Red Robin Arts Studio is a NEW combined skills learning centre to service our community with Arts, Crafts, Well-being and therapeutic feel good Sessions. In Longton.
PEGiS Coffee Morning
PEGiS Coffee Morning
Cerebral Palsy football session (ages 6-16)
A football session which is specifically for children and young people who have Cerebral Palsy. every Thursday, term time only.
Games Night (age 18+)
Meet other local people and enjoy playing games at this inclusive event.
Stitched up - wool craft sessions (18+)
Materials provided, all abilities welcome.
Peter Pan SEND Stay and Play at Hazel Trees (ages 0-5)
Peter Pan SEND Stay and Play sessions are available to families of children ages 0-5 who need extra support.
ABLE activities at the Potteries Centre Community Hub (age 18+)
Come along every Thursday to our new sessions in the Potteries Centre Community Hub.