Feel good arts and crafts sessions - painting wildlife homes
WBC - Nature Recovery Workshop & Red Robin Arts Studio is a NEW combined skills learning centre to service our community with Arts, Crafts, Well-being and therapeutic feel good Sessions. In Longton.
Eaton Park Academy - First Steps Parent Baby and Toddler group.
Join us every week for our Parent Baby and Toddler group, suitable for 0-5 year olds. Free to attend, no need to book, refreshments provided.
Burslem stay and play group with the Peter Pan Centre - ages 0-5
Relaxed and friendly stay and play sessions for families with young children aged under 5, who require extra support.
ABLE drop in (ages 18+)
Come and join our social group for games, craft activities and guest speakers.
Audio Book Club for VI children and young people aged 8 - 25
Join us on Zoom as we listen to different audio books with other Visually Impaired (VI) young people from all over the UK!
Milton United deaf football coaching (5 - 11 years)
Deaf football coaching sessions for children aged 5 - 11.