Latest news
Things to do in the school holiday.
Get ready for February half term!
Families newsletter
Our spring newsletter is now available.
Post-16 transport
Applications opening soon for September post-16 SEND transport.
New Down's syndrome forum
Can you share your experiences to help change services?
Help us shape inclusive playgroup sessions.
We are now looking to extend our SHINE award into playgroups in Stoke - can you help?
School admissions
Nursery admissions deadline is coming up!
Live Life to the Max campaign
Find out about a new online portal which will make it easier for health and care professionals to provide residents with the support they need.
New joint SEND strategy to help children and young people with SEND be the best they can be
A new strategy has been agreed by council leaders to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to be the best they can be.
Advice about equipment
Find information and recommendations for specialist equipment for children and young people with physical needs.