Who can request an EHCP?

Anyone can request an EHC needs assessment for a child or young person, but here's who's typically involved:

Parents or Carers: You have the right to request an assessment if you think your child needs more support than their school can normally provide.

Educational settings: Teachers and specialists who work with your child can also request an assessment if they feel it's necessary.

Young People (16+): If you're 16 or older and have special educational needs, you can request an assessment for yourself.

Health or Care Professionals: Doctors, therapists, or other specialists involved in your child's care can also recommend an assessment.

Why Talk to Your Child's School First?

While anyone can request an EHC needs assessment, it's usually best to discuss it with your child's school or setting first. Here's why:

Evidence of Support: Schools typically have documentation of the SEND support your child has already received. This helps with the assessment process.

Working Together: Schools can guide you through the process and collaborate on the request.

Before requesting an EHC Needs Assessment:

Review Your School's SEND Report: Look for information on their website about the support they offer and how to raise concerns.

Check Current Support: Make sure your child is receiving existing SEND support in school.

Graduated Approach: Ensure your child's school has implemented a "graduated approach" (assess, plan, do, review) to address their needs This will be monitored over time so at least two/three cycles of the plan/do review are evidenced.

Support Evidence: Ask the school if they have records of the SEND support provided, including plans and specialist reports.

Regular Meetings: Have you met with the school Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) to discuss your child's progress and support?

Discuss Concerns: Raise any concerns you have about your child's current SEND support with the school.

Get Support: Contact your local SENDIASS (information and advisory service) for further guidance.