Advocacy – support to explain what you want

Advocacy means getting support to explain what you think and what you want to happen, and making sure you get what is fair. Someone who helps you do this in called an advocate. An advocate will not try to change your mind or  make you agree with them, they will enable you to speak and make your own, informed decisions.

In Stoke-on-Trent, our advocacy service is ASIST. ASIST works alongside people with physical or learning disabilities and/or mental health conditions. They work hard to ensure that there is support for people who have difficulty speaking out, so that they can have an equal voice in the choices and decisions that affect their lives.

These are some of the services they offer:

  • Independent visitors for children and young people aged 8-17 who are living with a foster family or in residential care (you can learn more by clicking here)
  • Children’s advocacy
  • Parental advocacy to help parents to engage with in the Children’s Social Care statutory processes.
  • NHS complaints advocacy
  • Independent Mental Capacity advocacy
  • Care Act advocacy
  • BAME advocacy

You can find out more from their website by clicking here.

How to contact them:

Telephone: 01782 845 584
