Oakhill Primary School - Organisations

OFSTED rating

Oakhill Primary School is an inclusive school which ensures that all pupils achieve their potential, regardless of educational need.  

Contact name Mrs Alliband
Contact position SENCo
Contact telephone 01782 235238
Contact email office@oakhillprimaryschool.org.uk
Venue name Oakhill Primary School
Rookery Lane
Stoke on Trent
Date School hours
Website http://www.oakhillprimaryschool.co.uk
School's extended local offer response

What kinds of SEND does the school provide for?

Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs, including:

  • Communication and interaction, for example, speech and language difficulties
  • Cognition and learning, for example, dyslexia, dyspraxia
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties, for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) autism, anxiety or emotional distress
  • Sensory and/or physical needs, for example, visual impairments, hearing impairments, processing difficulties.

How does this setting know if their children/young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

Parents and carers should initially approach their child's class teacher with their concerns about their child needing additional help. The class teacher may then involve the SENCO who will support identification of any needs. If unsure, a parent can also contact the SENCO directly to discuss their concerns.

SEN are identified through the gathering of evidence relating to progress, attainment, learning behaviours, social interaction and ability to access the curriculum and school life in general. This is done by discussion between teachers, other staff, the SENCO and parents.

Pupils not making expected progress are quickly identified by teachers and Senior Leaders. Initially pupils in this category receive additional target work to see if they are able to make accelerated progress.

If the target work does not have the desired outcome, following consultation between the teacher, SENCO and parents, it may be agreed that the pupil is placed on the SEND Register.

An identification of disability has to be made by other professionals, with school and parents providing information. This includes autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD. If the diagnosed disability impacts significantly on the pupil’s ability to access teaching and learning, then the pupil will be placed on the SEND register. If required, accommodations for pupils with a diagnosed disability, but who are fully accessing teaching and learning, are put in place, in order for their school experience to be enhanced. However, pupils are provided for according to their needs and this will also be without or pre diagnosis where there is evidence of a need.

In Foundation Stage, where appropriate, there will be liaison with agencies involved with the pupil and previous settings before starting either in Nursery or Reception to support early identification of special educational needs/disability or to maintain an existing identification.

Speech and language difficulties are often identified by parents, teachers or other adults working with a pupil. They may be identified pre-school admission via the Health Visitor or private nursery. A school based speech and language specialist will assess the pupil and implement programmes to support the pupil. In some cases, a referral to speech therapy will be made. A member of staff may accompany parents to appointments and then deliver the recommended actions at school and support parents in delivering recommendations at home. If the pupil's needs have been identified pre-admission, their programme will be continued within school and liaison with the speech therapist established.

Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean a pupil is recorded as having SEN. 

When deciding whether SEND provision is required, we start with the desired outcomes, including expected progress and attainment, and take into account the views and the wishes of the pupil and their parents/carers.

How will the setting support my child/young person?

All pupils are encouraged to become independent learners displaying positive learning behaviours. Pupils with SEND may need more support to achieve this but the long term aim is to prepare the pupil for future learning and employment through independence and resilience.

Pupils may have additional adult support through planned and structured activities in reading, phonics and spelling; speech therapy and speech and language development; as well as same day support for learning alongside all pupils. Pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs may receive interventions to develop self-esteem; reduce anxiety and emotional distress; or to develop friendship skills.

When recommended by outside agencies, specific interventions will be delivered wherever possible.

In a small number of cases, an outside referral to CAMHS, paediatrician, Occupational Health or other support agency may be made with consent of parents/carers.

Pupils at School Support may have access to some Forest School sessions to improve confidence, communication and self-esteem.

Where a pupil has an identified disability which does not impact on their learning, they may require an Accommodations Plan which supports access to school life. This is reviewed regularly or as needed and held on the school record system. (Where a pupil’s disability impacts on their learning or access to school life, they will be placed on the SEND register and be included in all aspects of SEND provision. Whether a pupil with a disability meets the threshold for the SEND register is decided on a case by case basis.)

A pupil with an Education Health Care (EHC) Plan, has very specific needs which will be addressed through appropriate provision. Any pupil an EHC Plan usually receives some support from a range of adults but the aim will always be to foster independence in order to prepare the pupil for their future life. Support is planned through an EHC Plan Personalised Provision Chart identifying the Graduated Response throughout an academic year for each area of need closely overseen by the SENCO.

School will make their ‘best endeavour’ to fulfil the provision set out in the EHC Plan in liaison with the Local Authority where appropriate.

How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child or young person's needs?

Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class. High-quality teaching is our first step in responding to pupils who have SEND. This includes access to the wider curriculum and whole school experience. Additional interventions are timetabled to avoid impact on access to the wider curriculum wherever possible.

Access to the curriculum and the learning environment is led by the needs of the pupil. Examples include: support materials in class; scaffolding of learning and tasks; increased opportunities to practice and embed skills; access to a distraction reduced or free quiet environment; a short term or long term fully differentiated curriculum when working below the National Curriculum in KS1 or KS2; strategies to support full engagement and access to whole class teaching and learning; optimum seating arrangements. These may vary from class to class according to needs.

Pupls with SEND are included in all school trips. A risk assessment may be made and necessary adjustments put in place.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?

The progress of individual pupils is evaluated through regular Assess, Plan, Do, Review. Some pupils have additional or alternate assessments so that small steps progress can be measured.

Parents Evenings and Annual Written Reports tell parents and carers about progress. 

The DoJo parent messaging systems enables parents and carers to be kept informed of how their children are doing day to day. 

If a pupil has an EHC, progress towards their outcomes is measured each term and shared with parents and carers. The Annual Review is also attended by parents and carers. 

Teachers, the SENCO and other staff involved are always happy to discuss progress with parents and carers. If a pupil is not making the progress expected, then parents and carers are alerted.

All pupils have work set which is fun and online covering spellings and number facts practice at home. All pupils also have a reading book they take home to read with an adult. 

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?

All pupils with SEND have access to whole class teaching and learning on personal development and supporting well-being through a whole school scheme and approach. They also access all teaching and learning around the school values of Ambition, Respect, Empathy, Confidence, Resilience and

For pupils who have social, emotional or mental health difficulties, an Inclusion Plan may be co designed by the Family Support Team, SENCO, class based staff and parents. The assessment tool ‘The Boxall Profile’ is also used to provide information about areas of need and track progress or escalation of need.   

The Family Support Team works extensively to support the well-being of pupils so that they are ready to learn, both at point of need and though planned provision. This can be through pastoral support; specific interventions which are planned or support at point of need. Support will be one to one or small group and may take place across playtime and lunchtime to support friendships and social skills.

Account is made of other SEND needs which may be impact and interact with social, emotional and mental health needs and pastoral support  and teaching planned accordingly.

Pupils with SEND are included in all well-being related questionnaires.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

Family Links is run several times a year. Run by trained staff, this brings small groups of parents and carers together to look at areas of parenting.

Trained staff run Forest School sessions. Pupils with SEND can benefit from accessing Forest School to develop self esteem and social and interactions skills.

Lunchtime indoor social groups are run to support pupils who find it difficult to make and maintain friendships.

Specialist practitioners in speech therapy work with pupils with needs in this area. 

A Nurture Class runs for pupils who need to develop positive learning behaviours, confidence and social skills. 

What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?

The SENCO works with all teachers and teaching assistants to develop skills for supporting the pupils with SEND in their cohort. Specific SEND Training for the whole school is provided according to the needs of the school population.

All support staff have annual performance management with development objectives relating to their work with all pupils including those with SEND.

A SENDS advisory teacher, the Educational Psychologist or representative of another outside agency may provide recommendations for provision for pupils with SEND if the school request their input. 

Whole school training to improve teaching and learning overall includes improving access for all pupils which impacts positively on pupils with SEND.

Staff have access to a wide of training via the National College.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

All of our extra-curricular activities and school visits are available to all our pupils, including our before-and after-school clubs. All pupils are encouraged to go on our year 6 residential trip to Stanley Head. If required, additional support is deployed or reasonable adjustments made.

All pupils take part in sports day/school plays/special workshops. No pupil is ever excluded from taking part in these activities because of their SEN or disability. If required, additional support is deployed or accommodations made.

When a pupil with a disability is admitted to Oakhill, a Risk Assessment may be put in place via the School Business Manager to support access.

In some cases, pupils with SEND may have priority for access to wider activities.

How accessible is the environment?

The environment of each classroom is adapted to meet the needs of the cohort. Some examples include: Pupils with ASD may have access to a 'work station'; pupils with indicators of dyslexia may have an electronic spell checker; pencil grips or other adapted equipment available to pupils with dyspraxia; memory aids may be available to pupils with poor working memory; teachers and/or learning support staff trained in particular areas of need may be deployed to a particular cohort.

The accessibility of the school for those with a disability and/or additional need is reviewed each year with senior leaders and governors. The three accessibility plans cover:

  • Sharing of Information,
  • Access to Teaching and Learning
  • Physical Environment.

These are accessible one the school website: Equality and Diversity | Oakhill Primary School

The school has wheelchair access and a lift to the second floor of the rear end of the school.  If wheelchair access were required for the upper floor of the front of the school, location of year groups would be adjusted to ensure a pupil or member of staff had full access to their classroom. There are two toilets for the disabled located at the front and the centre of the school.  

The environment of each classroom is adapted to meet the needs of the cohort. Some examples include: Pupils with ASD may have access to an individual area; pupils with indicators of dyslexia may have additional time for tasks; adapted equipment is available to pupils with dyspraxia as recommended; memory aids may be available to pupils with poor working memory; teachers and/or learning support staff trained in particular areas of need may be deployed to a particular cohort.

How will the setting prepare and support my child/young person to join the next stage of education and life?

Transition within school to the next year group is managed by senior leaders to ensure pupils' provision is continuous. Teachers pass on information informally to the new teacher and information and SEND history is available to the new teacher via the school’s record keeping system and transition Assess Plan Do Review.

The school liaises with early years’ settings, other primary schools and the pupil's future secondary school whenever a pupil is transferring schools, ensuring all relevant information is either obtained or passed on. Pupils with an EHCP have a transition meeting to plan for secondary school in year 5.

School liaises with high schools to provide all SEND information and to facilitate enhanced transition. All school SEND records are sent to the high school and a copy archived at school.

When a pupil with special educational needs is admitted transferring from another primary school, the special education needs information received will be reviewed by the SENCO and information uploaded to the record keeping system and the new staff alerted. It may be appropriate for some assessment to take place at the discretion of the teacher and the SENCO.

Pupils are included in all aspects of preparation for adulthood through the teaching of self-regulation, resilience, a positive work ethic through the school values of Respect Confidence Resilience Ambition Empathy and Independence under the school motto of “Working together for a brighter future”. Pupils are also prepared for adulthood through teaching to manage their own well-being and mental health. Life skill such as managing money are also taught.

How are the setting's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

The SEND profile of each cohort is monitored to ensure that appropriate resources are allocated to each class. If a pupil has an EHC Plan, identified resources are allocated to that pupil. If a pupil requires specialist resources as identified by school or outside agencies, these are purchased for the pupil’s use.

The school has a Family and Pupil Support Team which works to enhance pupils’ wellbeing and support families in times of challenge. There is equal access to this team for pupils with SEND.

A Forest School is resourced through two members of staff. Pupils access Forest School on a rota basis or according to special educational need/disability.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

Provision for pupils at School Support is planned through regular Assess Plan Do Review in line with the principles of the Graduated Response. Support will predominantly be through Quality First Teaching. Some additional interventions may take place if appropriate. However, the aim is for pupils to be present in class so that they can access the wider curriculum alongside their peers. Pupils at School Support access the wider curriculum and this is monitored and developed by subject leaders and the SENCO. Essential interventions take place at times which minimise impact on access to the wider curriculum.

The SENCO monitors the progress of pupils at School Support and works in partnership with teachers and any other staff involved to develop provision according to needs. All staff involved with a pupil work closely together to ensure provision is consistent both in and out of the classroom.

How will our child and young person be involved in the decisions about their learning?

Teachers plan times during lessons for children to reflect on their learning. Children are routinely asked to show where they have applied new learning, enabling them to recognize progress or what they need to do next.

Where ever possible pupils' views about their provision are acted upon. These views are obtained in a variety of ways inlcuding feedback from parents and carers, during small group support times or on a comment made to a member of staff. Pupils will SEND are involved in all pupil surveys about teaching and learning.

If a child has an EHC they will be invited to the annual review meeting. The length of time the pupil spends at the meeting will vary according to the age and needs of the pupil. The pupils will have the opportunity to share aspirations and take part in discussions about how their needs can be best met. Pupils with SEN will be invited to attend the annual meeting with the SENCO. 

How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?

Every parent is invited to two meetings a year with the classteacher to discuss their child's needs and provision. Meetings with the SENCO are arranged as required.  If the school applies for an EHC, parents will have the opportunity to meet with the educational psychologist to discuss their child's needs. Members of the Family Support Team and the SENCo will meet with parents to develop an understanding of their aspirations for their child.

If a pupil has an EHC, parents/carers will also be invited to an Annual Review of provision and progress. Reading and homework diaries can be used for communication between parents and teachers. If a parent or carer needs to speak to a teacher, an appointment can be made through the school office. Parents can also contact teachers through the Dojo system as the need arises. 

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

We have an early discussion with parents /carers when identifying whether their child needs SEND provision. These conversations will make sure that everyone develops a good understanding of the pupil’s areas of strength and difficulty and that parents’ / carers’ concerns are taken into account. It will be clear what outcomes are being sought for the pupil and what steps will be taken to achieve the outcomes. Parents/carers will be asked to sign an Initial Identification Form which is confirms that the pupil is being placed onto the SEN Register. Where a parent/carer is seeking a diagnosis of a disability, school will support by offering school information to the relevant professionals.

Parents can attend Family Links and other events to help parents support their child's learning. Parents can also volunteer to help out in the classroom.

What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

In the first instance, complaints about matters relating to special educational needs should be made either to the SENCO or to the Head Teacher, in person or in writing. Every effort will be made to resolve any issues at this point.

If you wish to pursue a complaint further, you should contact the Chair of Governors, Mr. Toft, via the school email 

The parents of pupils with disabilities have the right to make disability discrimination claims to the first-tier SEND tribunal if they believe that our school has discriminated against their children. They can make a claim about alleged discrimination regarding:


Provision of education and associated services

Making reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services

Contact details in school for raising concerns

Mrs. L. Alliband SENCo      office@oakhillprimaryschool.org,uk

Mrs. Leach Head teacher   office@oakhillprimaryschool.org,uk

Mr. J Toft Chair of Governors office@oakhillprimaryschool.org.uk

What other support Is available to parents and how can I contact them?

SENDIASS Stoke on Trent:

The service provides information, advice and support to children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), their parents, and young people with SEND. We provide free, accurate, impartial information, advice and support on the special educational needs to enable children, their parents, and young people to play an active and informed role in their education and care. We help to promote independence and self-advocacy.”

We can support by:

  • Listening to parents/carers/young people’s views and concerns about their child/young person’s special educational needs and disabilities;
  • Offering accurate and unbiased and confidential information by independently trained staff;
  • Offering support for those who need it, in attending meetings, writing letters/reports and ?lling in forms;

Signposting to Parent/Carer Forums and other relevant organisations.” (extract from website) SENDIASS Local Offer

Telephone: 01782 234701 or 01782 234847

PEGIS (Parent Engagement Group) Stoke on Trent:

“A forum/support group for:

  • parents/carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND)
  • young people (up to the age of 25) with SEND to engage in informal discussion around educational issues and concerns.

How often do you meet?

We have informal meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at Westfield Children’s Centre, Buccleuch Road, Longton, SoT, ST3 4RF.  Meetings will last for 1-2 hours.

Who can attend?

Any parent or carer of a child/young person with special educational needs, or young person with SEN and/or Disability.

What sort of things will be on the agenda?

  • Welcome and introductions, tea and coffee.
  • Update on SEN issues - local and national.
  • Discussion of concerns and share experiences.
  • Ideas for future meetings - a chance to tell us what YOU want out of the group.
  • Visiting speakers from the Local Authority or organisations.” (Extract from website PEGIS Parental Engagement Group +

Telephone: Michelle Craggs 07935 557380