Hazel Trees Education Nursery - Organisations

The Hazel Trees Education Nursery is an assessment nursery that supports pre-school children aged 0 - 5 with development needs.

The Early Years Intervention Service runs 2 separate pre-school groups; the Discovery Group, and the Explorers Group.

Places to the nursery are allocated by the Early Years Forum. To find out more about the nursery please see the parent’s page

The Discovery Group is a multi-agency assessment group which focuses on observing and assessing your child. They will also be observed by other professionals such as a Paediatrician and an Educational Psychologist. Children attend for 5 sessions over a 2 week period. Parents receive information and advice around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities during the sessions from SENDIASS and the local Parent group, PEGiS.

The Explorers Group is attended by children with communication and interaction difficulties, or Autism. Children attend for a block of 6 sessions over 3 weeks.

The professional make-up of the group includes a teacher and highly skilled Early Years Practitioners. In addition input is provided by professionals from a range of multi-disciplinary backgrounds, including health.

All group sessions take place within a large playroom, sensory room and outdoor play area and follow a highly structured routine indicated by a clear visual timetable.

Throughout the group sessions staff use evidence based approaches including:

  • Intensive Interaction
  • elements of the TEACCH approach
  • recognised strategies such as Attention Autism
  • the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS).

A Key Worker system operates within the group and staff regularly report on the child's progress to the parents, other professionals, the Early Years Forum and the SEN Monitoring and Assessment Service when necessary.


Contact name The Early Years Inclusive Learning Service; Emma Walton
Contact telephone 01782 231285
01782 232292
Contact email EYIS@stoke.gov.uk
Venue name Hazel Trees
Duke Street
Date Monday to Friday mornings
Time of day Morning
Referral type

Referrals to the Hazel Trees Education Nursery can only be made via the Early Years Forum.


You can contact the Early Years Inclusive Learning Service by telephone on 01782 231285 and 01782 232292 or by email at EYIS@stoke.gov.uk.

We are based at Hazel Trees, Duke Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 3NR. The number for the buildings reception is 01782 232285.

For confidentiality reasons please do not email any forms or children's information to us without password protection; please post them to us at the above address.