SEND Services Team - Organisations

SEND Services are a team of specialists who are skilled in assessment and support for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability.

The main focus of our work is to provide a range of support, training and advice, to schools and other educational providers and settings. SEND Services deliver the National SENCo Award through Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). This training is delivered in Stoke. Our time is spent with Senior Leaders, SENCOs, teachers and practitioners. Some of our work includes working directly with children and their parents or carers, young people, parent consultation sessions and groups of parents or forums.

Parents and SENCOs work closely together to achieve best outcomes and as a result SEND Services may be asked to provide individualised advice or direct work. SENCOs will always ask for Parental Agreement. We will provide feedback; this may be a report, a discussion or attendance at a review depending on circumstances.

Parental and Pupil Voice is of significant importance to us and this is reflected in our information gathering, advice, strategies given, and follow-up work. We adopt a multi-agency approach to ensure holistic, child-centred outcomes.

SEND Services support in the areas of Cognition and Learning (which includes Specific Learning Difficulties e.g. Dyslexia), Sensory and Physical, Communication and Interaction (which includes Speech and Language Difficulties, and Autism), Social, Emotional and Mental Health.

We offer specialist support, please click on the link for more information.

SEND Services work with:

  • Primary Schools
  • Secondary Schools
  • Special Schools
  • Academies
  • Alternative Provision
  • Free Schools
  • Post 16
  • Other educational settings.

In the first instance, parents should discuss their child's SEN needs with the school with a view of gaining advice and guidance from SEND Services.

Visit the Graduated Approach Portal here 

We offer support to settings in Stoke and other Local Authorities.

Please see our Brochure (below right) for a range of training and support we offer to settings. Should you have specific requirements do get in touch as we also offer bespoke packages.

Contact name Kuljit Jheeta SEND Services
Contact telephone 01782 232538
Contact email
Venue name SEND Services
Venue address Hazel Trees
Duke Street