Wild and Free Adventure Playground - Organisations

We are a small, independent soft play centre, offering a safe space for children to play and for their adults to relax.

We currently offer a dedicated SEND session on Sundays, from 12pm - 2pm - places are limited and must be booked in advance. Please contact us if you would like to discuss arranging further SEND sessions. 

Our sessions are open for children from 0 - 12 years.

Prices per session:

6 months - 3 years: £4

4 - 12 years: £6

Adults: £1

We can be contacted through our Facebook page  or by telephone on 01538 528 440.

Contact telephone 01538 528 440
Venue name Wild and Free Adventure Playground
Venue address Cross Street Mill
Cross Street
ST13 6BL
Website https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093648423508&sk=about