Family Focus - Organisations

Family Focus offers family support services across the city of Stoke on Trent. We work to ensure parents, carers and children have the resources, skills and opportunities to reach their potential.

We aim to ensure all children and young people are supported to access the opportunities and support they need to be successful during childhood and into adulthood. The service endeavours to be preventative and is provided early in a child’s/young person’s life, before situations and issues escalate. We are here to help every single person we can and here is how:

Aiming High for Disabled Children funded by Action for Children

We provide fun activities & care for disabled children aged 0-10yrs at local venues and parks across the City and also extra activities for school age children in school holidays. We support & motivate children to take risks and explore new play opportunities, providing one to one or two to one individual support where needed.

​Here are a list of just a few of the activities that we provide:

  • - Dance with a qualified teacher at a local dance school
  • - Skiing with a qualified coach at Festival Park
  • - Swimming
  • - Pony riding
  • - Go Karting
  • - Wall climbing with a qualified coach
  • - Welly walks at local parks

Children learn new skills, build confidence, learn to share and take turns, make decisions, socialise, make new friends, learn the rules to games, count, be imaginative, access technology. It helps their communication & language development as well as their understanding of the world.

Intensive Family Support– funded by National Lottery community Fund

Family Links Project

We offer group and one to one parenting programmes which provides adults and children with the understanding, skills and ability to lead emotionally healthy lives, build resilience, empathy, self-esteem and support positive relationships

Time To Talk Project

A new project providing one to one and group support to parents/carers and family members of children with additional needs. Families can be referred to the project for one to one support to build their confidence prior to accessing group support

Parents Together funded by the National Lottery Community Fund

This is a new project which aims to stop the cycle of intergenerational loneliness, poverty and mental ill health.

Research shows that loneliness is a contributing factor to poverty, it negatively impacts people’s economic prospects, living standards and wellbeing.  Parents Together recruits, trains and matches Befrienders to families identified as ‘lonely’ within Stoke on Trent.

Contact telephone 01782 863 762
Contact email
Venue address The Bridge Centre
Birches Head Road