SEND provision planning
Stoke-on-Trent Special Provision Planning
Local authorities have to make sure there are sufficient good school places for all pupils, including those with Special Educational needs (SEN) and disabilities.
The Government has committed additional capital funding to help local authorities create new school places and improve existing facilities for children and young people with SEN and disabilities, in consultation with parents and providers. This funding can be invested in mainstream schools and academies, special units, special schools and academies, early years settings, further education colleges or to make other provision for children and young people aged from 0 to 25.
Local authorities have to plan how to invest their allocation. In undertaking this planning, we should consult with parents and carers, schools, FE colleges and other institutions which offer special educational provision so we invest the funding as strategically as possible. In addition, we have to publish a short plan on the Local Offer page that sets out how we will invest the funding - you can read it by clicking here.
Stoke on Trent Local Authority is committed to improving Special Educational Provision by:
- Ensuring that the needs of most pupils with additional needs can be met through mainstream provision
- Ensuring sufficient specialist placements in Stoke on Trent for pupils when need cannot be met in mainstream.
- Ensuring sufficient provision in Stoke on Trent to reduce the need to use independent specialist provision.