SEN support for children under 5
Parents’ early observations of their child are crucial.
Children with more complex developmental and sensory needs may be identified at birth. Health assessments enable very early identification of a range of medical and physical difficulties. The family’s General Practitioner, Health Visitor or Community Paediatrician will work with the family and support them to understand their child’s needs and help them to access early support.
Support for children under 5 includes:
- A universal progress check at 2 years old by the Health Visitor which may identify SEND
- A universal health check at 2 to 3 years old by the Health Visitor which may identify SEND.
Most younger children attend some form of early years provision. Nurseries, playgroups and childminders registered with Ofsted follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. The framework makes sure that there’s support in place for children with SEND.
Each setting has a graduated response through:
- Keyworkers and a SENCO
- Support from a Local Authority Adviser with a special interest in SEND.
Further identification of need may be through:
You may also wish to talk to a doctor or health adviser if you think your child has SEND. They’ll tell you what support options are available.
Partnership with parents and professionals is crucial.