Early years inclusive learning service - information for professionals

Advice and support for early years settings and childminders

Each setting within Stoke-on-Trent with a child known to the Early Years Forum will have a named Inclusion Officer linked to their setting. The Inclusion Officer will make a visit to the setting at least once a term to observe the children known to Forum and discuss any strategies that can be helpful in supporting their development. You can also discuss any other children you are concerned about as well as getting help assessing progress and writing targets etc.

Childminders within Stoke-on-Trent will also be offered support visits if they have a child known to the Early Years Forum.

If you need advice outside your termly setting visit please contact your named Inclusion Officer via email or contact the EYILS office on 01782 231285. If you do not have a named Inclusion Officer but would like advice about a child who may have additional needs please call 01782 231285.

Helpful strategies

You can find out more about helpful strategies from the downloadable advice documents SEND co-production charter - as well as the Stoke-on-Trent Graduated Approach website Early years (stoke.go.uk).


The Early Years Inclusive Learning Service offers a range of FREE training sessions to Stoke-on-Trent Early Years Settings and Childminders. These include both online bitesize sessions and more in-depth face-to-face half-day sessions. Please book via Synergy.

It is also possible to arrange whole staff development sessions for your setting. Please contact your named Inclusion Officer for more information.

SEN inclusion funding

Stoke-on-Trent Early Years settings and childminders can apply for additional funding towards providing support or resources for a child with SEND. This is known as SEN Inclusion Funding. Settings must make a new application each term by completing the SEN inclusion funding form and emailing it to EYIS@stoke.gov.uk by the deadline for each term. Funding levels depend on the child's developmental levels as well as the number of hours that they attend the setting.

Disability access fund

Settings are entitled to a Disability Access Fund payment if they have a 3 or 4 year old child in receipt of Disability Living Allowance attending their setting. This can only be claimed once every 12 months.  You will need to provide a copy of the letter informing Parents that their child is eligible for DLA. Funding is requested via the Portal - please contact the EY Finance Team for more information at beststart@stoke.gov.uk