Early years inclusive learning service - information for professionals

The early years forum

The Early Years Forum is the way that services from education, health and social care work together to identify and support pre-school children with additional needs in Stoke-on-Trent.

It is a way for health and other services such as nurseries to let the Local Authority know about any young children who may need extra support when they go to school. This helps to ensure that every child with SEND in Stoke-on-Trent has the best possible start to learning.

Children can be referred to the Early Years Forum by health professionals or their pre-school setting/nursery.

Children can be referred to the Early Years Forum if they:

  • Live in Stoke-on-Trent
  • Aged 2 – 5
  • Have delays in 2 or more areas of their development
  • Have not yet started school or are not attending a pre-school setting that is part of a school

How does the forum work?

The Early Years Forum is a monthly meeting of professionals. Not all children known to the Forum are discussed every month. The Forum will look at the needs of each child. It will request reports from anyone involved in supporting the child. This helps to track each child’s development and progress and make sure everything that they need is in place. Based on the information that they receive, the Forum might recommend extra ways that a child’s development can be supported.

How do settings refer to the forum?

Settings can refer children to te early years forum by completing a referral form. You must get consent from the child's parent before referring to the forum.

You will need to provide information on the child’s strengths and needs as well as their developmental levels. You will also need to provide information on other professionals who may be involved with the child such as a Paediatrician, health therapist or social worker. You will need to provide information of what strategies and support you have already put in place.

Each referral is processed by Early Years SEND Caseworkers. They will request information from all services involved in providing support or care for the child. This information is then reviewed by the team to ensure that there is enough information to move the child onto the Forum. If approved, the child’s Parents will be sent a letter telling them the date that their child will first be discussed at the Forum.

How do the settings work with the forum?

Settings will be asked to provide a report each time the child is going to be discussed at the Forum. You can download a copy of the report template here setting summary form. You will need to email the completed report to EYIS@stoke.gov.uk by the deadline - please remember to password protect and documents you send.

We also ask settings to make sure that parents receive a copy of the parent comment form. Gathering parents' views are an important part of the forum.

Once the child has been discussed by the Forum, settings will receive a feedback pack showing any recommendations for next steps. The child’s next review date will also be on this letter.