EHC needs assessment and plan timeline

If you request a new EHC plan the whole process must take no more than 20 weeks, although there are some circumstances where this could be longer – parents/carers should be informed if this is the case.

Exceptional circumstances that can prolong the process:

  • The child or young person is away from the area for four weeks or more
  • Exceptional personal circumstances affect the child or young person and their parent.
  • The school/setting is closed for four weeks or more (this may delay the information needed being sent.)

The process that must be followed for assessment is described in The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014

Weeks 0-6

  • Request for EHC plan is made by school/setting, professional, parent/carer or young person with SEND (aged 16+)
  • Information and evidence already available is collected.
  • Education Panel meet to decide whether or not to carry out an assessment.
  • Decision made: 
    • Notification not to assess issued with feedback and the right to appeal
    • OR Progression to EHC needs assessment.

Weeks 7-16

  • Request and collect further information and advice for the EHC needs assessment. You can read a full list of everyone who must be consulted in the SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 years, Chapter 9.49
  • Consider all the information collected (both prior to and during the EHC needs assessment.)

By week 14

  • Decision made to EITHER make an EHC plan OR a notification not to proceed. If the decision is not to proceed, feedback will be given and there will be a right to appeal.

If it is agreed to make an EHC plan:

By week 16

  • Consultation on the draft EHC plan. There is a chance to consider views on the draft plan and for a specific school or setting to be named in the plan.
  • When the draft EHC is issued there are 15 calendar days to:
    • Read and think about the draft EHC plan and give your views on it. You can find out information here about what make a good EHC plan
    • Ask for a specific school or setting to be named in the final EHC plan.
    • Arrange a meeting with SENMAS to discuss the draft EHC plan

General guidance on what an EHC plan should contain on the IPSEA website

Examples of good practice when writing EHC plans from the Council for Disabled Children

Week 20

For further reading: What happens in an EHC needs assessment.