Early years inclusive learning service - information for parents and carers


The aim of the Portage Service is to ‘help Parents help their child’.

Your child might be referred to the Portage Service by a Health Visitor, Speech and Language Therapist or Paediatrician. Parents can also refer their child for Portage by contacting 01782 231285 or completing a referral form.

Who can access Portage?

Children can be referred to the Portage Service if they:

  • Live in Stoke-on-Trent
  • Aged birth – 5
  • Have delays in 2 or more areas of their development
  • Are not attending a nursery setting or childminder

What help will my child be offered?

Families are offered a block of sessions in one of our Portage Groups – Little Stars, which is for children are not yet walking and Shooting Stars, for children aged 18 months to 5 years.

The aims of the group include:

  • Accessing a small group within your community
  • Learning about strategies that might help your child
  • Being confident to use these strategies at home to support your child’s development
  • Thinking about the next steps for your child

Find out more about the National Portage Association here - Welcome | National Portage Association