Early years inclusive learning service - information for parents and carers

Applying for school

The majority of children with SEND will attend their local mainstream school, even if they have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Inclusion of children with SEND has benefits for all children, not just the individual child – it helps children to learn that everyone is different and that they should be included in our society.

What will help my child get at school

All schools have resources to support children with additional needs. You should contact your local schools and ask to book an appointment to look around. It might be helpful to take a list of questions that you want to ask the staff at the school. You can find some helpful questions here Things to consider on a school visit for your child wit SEND - BBC bitesize.

To find out more about the support children can access in a mainstream school click here: SEND support in educational settings.

To find out about the schools closest to you click here: School search | Stoke-on-Trent.

To apply for a school place for your child click here: Primary school admissions | Stoke-on-Trent.

My child has an EHCP - how do I choose a school?

If your child has an EHCP your child’s SENMAS caseworker will work with you to secure a school place for your child - Special educational needs monitoring and assessments service (SENMAS) - SEND local offer